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FYSA should be investigated

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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    maybe send someone from your club to the AGM or read the materials they send out each year with the detail budget and actuals. While I'm sure there are some lavish dinners that shouldn't be covered that occur, your have no clue what it costs to send teams to Southern Regionals for example.

    EVERY FYSA team that goes to regionals either as a state champion or RPL advancer receives $3k to assist with each team's approx $20k cost to go. With 25 teams having gone to Regionals last year, that's $75K right there on team stipends. That is budgeted from the State Cup entry fees. The state also picks up the entry fee costs to Regionals for each team which is approx $400 per team (that's $10k if you have 25 teams). And since the Region requires the entire delegation to dress uniformly for opening ceremonies at Regionals, it T-shirts/polos for each team also paid by the state (approx $7k). So now you've identified over $90k of that Southern Regionals cost. Add the travel costs for 4-6 representatives from the state to go with the teams since Regionals REQUIRES at least 1 rep on every game played by a team from the state, you'll rack up another $1500 per person (air, lodging, shared car rental and good), and 1/2 of the travel costs for the 15 referees each state must send, you've got it. That's all from the state cup budget. And then if a FL team advances to Nationals, there is more travel stipend given to each team from the state to help and 1 rep for each team that goes to Nationals (as required).
    You might also want to check with your Club Registrar. How many times does he or she call FYSA with questions? Is that person supposed to be a volunteer.

    What about the mechanics of putting on President's Cup, or State Cup, or ODP?

    All of that costs money.

    If you are so interested in the FYSA budget then take the time and get involved, and maybe become a volunteer to help FYSA. You should start by going to the Regional AGMs and the statewide AGM and talk to the people involved.



      FYSA Staff member in charge of covering embezzlement's.


        I will say it again, instead of throwing around accusations, take the time to actually understand and learn what goes on. Start by talking to people in your club who might be familiar with what FYSA does, then start by going to AGM meetings. Finally, get involved. Help out. Yes, you! You can actually become a positive force.


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post

          FYSA Staff member in charge of covering embezzlement's.
          And much like this 911 conspiracy theorist, nobody has yet been able to tell us what the true costs of running FYSA should be. But they sure do love to throw out accusations about things that they, to this point, can't prove they know anything about.

          I will try once again... Lay out the actual costs, explain your experience in running something like FYSA, describe what areas they are over spending or even what monies a they are putting into those own personal bank accounts. Then explain how you would do it differently based on your in depth knowledge and experience.

          OR... Just keep throwing out meaningless accusations of embezzlement and ineptitude.

          Actually, your best bet would would be to continue with your lame, three sentance posts that say nothing like the genius that thought he got the zinger about the simple IRS form that did't detail the payments to lawyers. I love the fact that he thinks there isn't a single issue FYSA has to deal with. Or even better, that their issues are handled by free lawyers.

          Wish I lived in your world.

          If you don't have a plan to run FYSA on a solid zero balance budget as some suggested they should have, then don't post. You don't want to be the baffoon that thinks FYSA should be easily run by all volunteers and spend only the exact dollar amount taken in without any red or black and good of investments, assets and without anyone making a good living off of helping. FYSA do all of the above.

          And spare me the "I'm a dues paying member" nonsense. You are a dues paying member to the US government too. Do you have all the answers and the power there too ? Lol


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            Why do they have $6 million in assets?
            Why do they have $600,000 in salaries for a volunteer-based organization?
            $666,000 on ODP? Sounds like a pretty disproportionate expense for only a tiny fraction of its members.
            What are the $72,000 in expenses paid for their $0 salary board members?
            Who is getting a 401(k) on FYSA's dime?
            $691,000 in TRAVEL? Travel for who to where?
            Who are the mysterious independent contractors earning $389,000?
            Why over $100,000 spent on Southern Regionals?
            What is FYSA BUCKS ($111,000)?

            $1,692,357 in cash. That's more than most drug dealers.
            $1,769,350 in mutual funds. Is this the youth soccer association or the hedge fund association?




              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              And much like this 911 conspiracy theorist, nobody has yet been able to tell us what the true costs of running FYSA should be. But they sure do love to throw out accusations about things that they, to this point, can't prove they know anything about.

              I will try once again... Lay out the actual costs, explain your experience in running something like FYSA, describe what areas they are over spending or even what monies a they are putting into those own personal bank accounts. Then explain how you would do it differently based on your in depth knowledge and experience.

              OR... Just keep throwing out meaningless accusations of embezzlement and ineptitude.

              Actually, your best bet would would be to continue with your lame, three sentance posts that say nothing like the genius that thought he got the zinger about the simple IRS form that did't detail the payments to lawyers. I love the fact that he thinks there isn't a single issue FYSA has to deal with. Or even better, that their issues are handled by free lawyers.

              Wish I lived in your world.

              If you don't have a plan to run FYSA on a solid zero balance budget as some suggested they should have, then don't post. You don't want to be the baffoon that thinks FYSA should be easily run by all volunteers and spend only the exact dollar amount taken in without any red or black and good of investments, assets and without anyone making a good living off of helping. FYSA do all of the above.

              And spare me the "I'm a dues paying member" nonsense. You are a dues paying member to the US government too. Do you have all the answers and the power there too ? Lol
              Show us the books! If everything is above board it would take 5 minutes to put the detailed information on and there's no reason not to! How can we talk about what the numbers should be if you hide what you're doing to begin with!


                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                maybe send someone from your club to the AGM or read the materials they send out each year with the detail budget and actuals. While I'm sure there are some lavish dinners that shouldn't be covered that occur, your have no clue what it costs to send teams to Southern Regionals for example.

                EVERY FYSA team that goes to regionals either as a state champion or RPL advancer receives $3k to assist with each team's approx $20k cost to go. With 25 teams having gone to Regionals last year, that's $75K right there on team stipends. That is budgeted from the State Cup entry fees. The state also picks up the entry fee costs to Regionals for each team which is approx $400 per team (that's $10k if you have 25 teams). And since the Region requires the entire delegation to dress uniformly for opening ceremonies at Regionals, it T-shirts/polos for each team also paid by the state (approx $7k). So now you've identified over $90k of that Southern Regionals cost. Add the travel costs for 4-6 representatives from the state to go with the teams since Regionals REQUIRES at least 1 rep on every game played by a team from the state, you'll rack up another $1500 per person (air, lodging, shared car rental and good), and 1/2 of the travel costs for the 15 referees each state must send, you've got it. That's all from the state cup budget. And then if a FL team advances to Nationals, there is more travel stipend given to each team from the state to help and 1 rep for each team that goes to Nationals (as required).
                Sounds more like a vacation lottery scheme to me! Why should a not for profit with thousands of member teams pay to send a couple of teams to a tournament? Most of that money comes from rec players who aren't even allowed to try to qualify for state cup!


                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  Hello FYSA Daddy Director? District Commissioner?

                  Let's take legal fees. Most non-profits would NOT have salaried attorneys on staff but would hire a law firm when needed. That legal work would also usually be free or deeply discounted by some giant soul sucking law firm that wants to make themselves look better while giving junior lawyers more experience than just making copies for senior lawyers.

                  But you are exactly right! FYSA should be providing us doing paying members (via our registration) with a detailed list of exactly what their expenses are so we can see if they are reasonable or not instead of hiding behind lumping expenses in to vague categories to cover things like buying lavish dinners for the regionals delegation.
                  Although you may be right about an attorney on staff, no good lawyer will discount their fees. Legal costs that don't make sense are a normal cost in running a multi million dollar operation.


                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    Why do they have $6 million in assets?
                    Why do they have $600,000 in salaries for a volunteer-based organization?
                    $666,000 on ODP? Sounds like a pretty disproportionate expense for only a tiny fraction of its members.
                    What are the $72,000 in expenses paid for their $0 salary board members?
                    Who is getting a 401(k) on FYSA's dime?
                    $691,000 in TRAVEL? Travel for who to where?
                    Who are the mysterious independent contractors earning $389,000?
                    Why over $100,000 spent on Southern Regionals?
                    What is FYSA BUCKS ($111,000)?

                    $1,692,357 in cash. That's more than most drug dealers.
                    $1,769,350 in mutual funds. Is this the youth soccer association or the hedge fund association?


                    Whoever wrote this is a complete idiot. Go play at the local Y. Oh and they pay their executive staff six figures.


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      Whoever wrote this is a complete idiot. Go play at the local Y. Oh and they pay their executive staff six figures.
                      Exactly. This is a lot of money these idiots are yakking about? You're kidding aren't you? The local Red Cross leader makes nearly $300k...shouldn't he work for free? That's blood we're talking about, for God's sake

             idiots...go back to your highway exit begging for a buck. I'll chip in if you agree to STFU


                        More and more big clubs are trying to distance themselves from this because they know it's all about the money. With DA the ODP is now just a money grab and NPL is becoming a top league so it leaves this with a non- relevant ID system and a B league playing system.


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          Sounds more like a vacation lottery scheme to me! Why should a not for profit with thousands of member teams pay to send a couple of teams to a tournament? Most of that money comes from rec players who aren't even allowed to try to qualify for state cup!
                          If all you want is rec soccer without paying FYSA dues, pack your Capri Suns & orange slices and go to YMCA.

                          Then, do us all a favor and S T F U


                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            Then, do us all a favor and S T F U
                            Sorry, FYSA Daddy Director, but the information is out there and your days are numbered. No matter how many posts in a row you make with personal attacks and flaming.

                            If the FYSA is so legitimate, why not reply one time with facts, logic, and reason?


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              Sorry, FYSA Daddy Director, but the information is out there and your days are numbered. No matter how many posts in a row you make with personal attacks and flaming.

                              If the FYSA is so legitimate, why not reply one time with facts, logic, and reason?
                              Because your accusations lack facts, logic, and reason.

                              No one forces you to join a team aligned with the evil FYSA, go play rec at the YMCA if you think FYSA is so corrupt.


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                Sorry, FYSA Daddy Director, but the information is out there and your days are numbered. No matter how many posts in a row you make with personal attacks and flaming.

                                If the FYSA is so legitimate, why not reply one time with facts, logic, and reason?
                                Ok Inspector Gadget, you may not like it, but they have complied legally with the completion and submission of their 990. Just because to want more doesn't mean they have to give you more. This is why there is an annual meeting and BOD meetings. The annual meeting is coming up in August, we hope to see you there. If you believe costs are high you can take the proper route.


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