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Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks an

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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    Same special place in hell reserved for this guy as some of the folks here on this board.
    But Hillary Clinton can take tens of millions from countries that throw her precious LBGT community members off of roofs.

    And some of that money was collected while she was Secretary of State.

    Hillary says that anyone being investigated for terrorism by the FBI should not be able to buy a gun.
    How about someone being investigated by the FBI for not having Classified Material E mails safely handled running for President ?

    And how about the 30,000 she never handed over ? What was in them ?


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      Democrats. They just can't help themselves.
      If you went to nearly every state, nearly every major city in America and audited the books on SNAP, you will without a doubt find massive fraud and other criminal activity.


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        he bought a few books from them 17 years ago - The SPL, now there is a hate group.

        The Southern Poverty Law Center said it has records showing Thomas Mair was a supporter of the National Alliance. The center said Mair purchased a manual from the group in 1999 that included instructions on how to build a pistol.

        On its website, the center published copies of receipts showing that a Thomas Mair of West Yorkshire — the county where Cox and her suspected killer both lived — bought publications including "Chemistry of Powder and Explosives" and "Improvised Munitions Handbook."

        She was just another open borders shill - oh well no great loss.
        I do believe we have some trolling going on today. Eh Perspective? This one and the "they can't help themselves" post has a liberal troll's finger prints all over them. Another from the liberal handbook.


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          Let's hear the same kind of "questioning" of these Lilly white groups like national alliance. People want to monitor mosques. Fine so long as we spy on all these white boys too.

          See the brothers in NY with an arsenal today and Nazi materials. White supremacy on the rise.
          Hey guess what? The FBI has no problem investigating white supremacist groups. It's the Muslim extremists they have a problem. Did you catch the news about the gun shop who had reported Mateen had attempted to buy large ammounts of ammo and body armor?


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            Hey guess what? The FBI has no problem investigating white supremacist groups. It's the Muslim extremists they have a problem. Did you catch the news about the gun shop who had reported Mateen had attempted to buy large ammounts of ammo and body armor?

            James Kallstrom, a former FBI assistant director and Massachusetts native was interviewed this week on this very subject. He concurs with the assessment that agents are being handcuffed in their investigations of Muslim extremists.


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              Hey guess what? The FBI has no problem investigating white supremacist groups. It's the Muslim extremists they have a problem. Did you catch the news about the gun shop who had reported Mateen had attempted to buy large ammounts of ammo and body armor?

              This is Obama's FBI.

              Unofficially, they have been told to " back down " from going the distance involving Muslims.
              Just like the " rules of Engagement " that have been handcuffing and killing our military.

              Really, after what happened in California , you think the FBI would have kicked it up a notch ? Not if they are told " not to"


                I think she said just plain investigated.

                Hillary says that anyone being investigated for terrorism by the FBI should not be able to buy a gun.

                I guess that means the democratic candidate for president couldn't buy a gun either...


                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  Hey guess what? The FBI has no problem investigating white supremacist groups. It's the Muslim extremists they have a problem. Did you catch the news about the gun shop who had reported Mateen had attempted to buy large ammounts of ammo and body armor?

                  And so what? At the time he didn't do anything illegal. These are NRA desires. Perhaps, if the amount purchased was enough to jar a gun shop owner to call about it, then perhaps there should be a limit on the amount purchased?

                  Do you think the same gun shop owner would have thought to call it in if it was a white dude?

                  Perhaps, in the case of weapons like AR 15s you should be limited to a certain number of rounds and in order to replace your rounds you need to exchange your spent rounds as proof of not stockpiling ammo.


                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    This is Obama's FBI.

                    Unofficially, they have been told to " back down " from going the distance involving Muslims.
                    Just like the " rules of Engagement " that have been handcuffing and killing our military.

                    Really, after what happened in California , you think the FBI would have kicked it up a notch ? Not if they are told " not to"
                    And what should the FBI have done? Please explain.


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      Of course how they conveniently forget about things like Enron, the housing and banking industry colluding and allowing one of the largest economic collapses in history and of course the damage that this man did:

                      But a couple of women rip-off food stamps and welfare and it is suddenly an indictment of both a race and of a government service.
                      One thing for sure, you've got to watch out for those Ivy Leaguers.


                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        Civil war......where have we presciently heard that years ago now.

                        Who is your daddy, ex lax?

                        How long have they been trying?

                        Old news.

                        Meanwhile on the Democrats side they prepare for a coronation.


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          Wow, meanie. Two insults in two sentences. Ouch.

                          What I said, is it's hypocritical for you to take every opportunity to point out racist activity, and while you are doing it...racist statements are being made. Even those good ole' boys in the South you admire so much get that...
                          He can't help himself. He's a liberal Democrat. Hypocrisy is part of his DNA. Take pity.


                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            And what should the FBI have done? Please explain.
                            Federal Bureau of INVESTIGATION.
                            How's that ?
                            Not Federal Bureau of AVOIDANCE


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              And so what? At the time he didn't do anything illegal. These are NRA desires. Perhaps, if the amount purchased was enough to jar a gun shop owner to call about it, then perhaps there should be a limit on the amount purchased?

                              Do you think the same gun shop owner would have thought to call it in if it was a white dude?

                              Perhaps, in the case of weapons like AR 15s you should be limited to a certain number of rounds and in order to replace your rounds you need to exchange your spent rounds as proof of not stockpiling ammo.
                              Would he have called it in if it was a white dude? Perhaps if he was a skinhead with Nazi tatoos. Perhaps if he had been under previous investigation for criminal activity. It's all speculative. What we do know however is Mateen gave a lot of people the creeps for a long, long time. They of course were all racist Islamaphobes.

                              A little fact that non-gunowners apparently don't know. Actually there are lots of facts non-gunowners don't know, but thats a topic for another day. About 50% of the AR15s sold are .22 caliber which makes them only somewhat more dangerous than a pellet gun. Why you might ask? Because target shooters use a lot of ammo and .22s are cheap in comparison to higher gauge. Additionally, there is no way to monitor how much ammo is purchased. I can go from one store to another purchasing ammo and there is no way currently available to record my purchases, so until there is, putting limits on purchases can easily be defeated.

                              And btw, don't assume gun dealers are bad people just because they sell guns.


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                Federal Bureau of INVESTIGATION.
                                How's that ?
                                Not Federal Bureau of AVOIDANCE
                                And investigate what?

                                A guy bought some guns and some ammo? That isn't a crime.


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