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Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks an

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    Does anyone know where we can place a bet on what the next accusation against trump will be? Until football starts I am looking to gamble and this seems like an ongoing betting pool until the end of his 2nd term. Just sorry missed out on all the previous ones like rape, election rigging, obstruction of justice, racist and now destroying the economy.

    Too funny to go back and read all the posts about his demise and how many times it was supposed to happen already. However I am impressed how the libs can move on to another topic so quickly and totally forget about their previous predictions of impeachment, jail, etc.


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      The original reason for Trump’s trip to Denmark was because the Queen had invited him for an official state visit. So, Trump blows off the Queen because the Prime Minister wouldn’t sell Greenland. Pretty amazing.
      More details trickling in make sense of it ....

      The female PM was called a “nasty woman” by trump when he tripled down a little while ago. Mad that she PUBLICLY rebuffed his UNSOLICITED gambit that WAS leaked by Trump to distract from his domestic troubles last week. The “nasty” woman (Trump code for ANY female that doesn’t show him the deference he demands ) could have “handled it privately “ (he didn’t) so now he will punish her by canceling his trip.

      And it has NOTHING to do with the fact that Obama has a visit scheduled a couple weeks after Trump. So after his visit would be protested , huge crowds for Obama. With the inevitable
      Crowd comparisons that BURN Trumps flesh and sear his brain.

      So like a dysfunctional person does, dramatic steps are taken to create an alternative “story” as a cover


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        Just yesterday he:

        Insulted American Jews (as part of a larger campaign platform that voting against him or the GOP is unAmerican and will bring America to its knees)
        Caved to the NRA in record time in a closed door meeting
        Acted like a spoiled brat when Denmark said Greenland isn't for sale

        And who says he doesn't work while on vacation?
        So you are also outraged over the Anti-Semitic remarks made by the new leaders of the democrat party?

        Please clarify so we know your outrage is consistent.


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          Does anyone know where we can place a bet on what the next accusation against trump will be? Until football starts I am looking to gamble and this seems like an ongoing betting pool until the end of his 2nd term. Just sorry missed out on all the previous ones like rape, election rigging, obstruction of justice, racist and now destroying the economy.

          Too funny to go back and read all the posts about his demise and how many times it was supposed to happen already. However I am impressed how the libs can move on to another topic so quickly and totally forget about their previous predictions of impeachment, jail, etc.
          Patience my young learner!

          I suspect you didn’t live through Watergate and maybe even some subsequent presidential scandals. Given how much poison was injected into the system here, Trump and the Republicans May very well be dislodged from house senate and WH in one cycle .

          And where are paul manafort , Michael Cohen and others ? Where is Flynn and others going ? Unprecedented numbers are locked up.

          It’s all good. He didn’t get there overnight .

          The goal - dislodge Cons from WH, Senate , and House in ONE 4 yr cycle .

          House looks secure. All those incumbent Republicans retiring ...

          Senate ....Dems need +1 with WH.

          Trump losing to generic as well as all top DEms in polls so far

          I’ll play this hand out con. For sure


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            So you are also outraged over the Anti-Semitic remarks made by the new leaders of the democrat party?

            Please clarify so we know your outrage is consistent.
            Have they declared themselves the second coming like trump ?

            Trump “retweeted” the following to his 65 million followers :

            ‘President Trump is the greatest president for Jews and for Israel in the history of the world, not just America... and the Jewish people in Israel love him like he’s the King of Israel. They love him like he is the second coming of God’
            Seems he endorses this view of his sycophants that he’s a Messiah doesn’t it ?

            When you show the good people something like that , we can talk further but until then here’s what you get con


            But keep punching the air! You’ll land a wild swing eventually, you big tough guy.

            Gonna run us over with your big American fake-made Compaq desktop, circa 2001, from the safety of your anonymous NH lair ?


              How big will Obama’s crowd be in Denmark now?

              More than 11,500?


                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                So you are also outraged over the Anti-Semitic remarks made by the new leaders of the democrat party?

                Please clarify so we know your outrage is consistent.
                They are not the leaders of the Democratic party; you all keep making them out to be. Even if what said is true (it isn't) it would only apply to Jewish voters in their district. A Jew in CT has no control over the political careers of "the squad".

                He's doubling down on this because the right wing so called Christians think he's saving the Holy Land. It's also convenient that he gets to attack 1) women 2) women of color 3) women whose parents were immigrants 4) women who practice the wrong religion

                Earlier on Wednesday, Trump quoted a right-wing conspiracy theorist who said on a Newsmax show that Israeli Jews view the president like the "second coming of God" and that American Jews who don't support him "don't even know what they're doing."


                  Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks an

                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  Does anyone know where we can place a bet on what the next accusation against trump will be? Until football starts I am looking to gamble and this seems like an ongoing betting pool until the end of his 2nd term. Just sorry missed out on all the previous ones like rape, election rigging, obstruction of justice, racist and now destroying the economy.

                  Too funny to go back and read all the posts about his demise and how many times it was supposed to happen already. However I am impressed how the libs can move on to another topic so quickly and totally forget about their previous predictions of impeachment, jail, etc.
                  well the liberal idiots are all over the greenland bit right now, will be fun in November 2020 watching all the liberal P_ssys crying, bitching, complaining on tv asking themselves "well geez wiz, how did we get beat again?" it will be very so entertaining.


                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    well the liberal idiots are all over the greenland bit right now, will be fun in November 2020 watching all the liberal P_ssys crying, bitching, complaining on tv asking themselves "well geez wiz, how did we get beat again?" it will be very so entertaining.
                    Title con just posts the same things over and over again.


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      More details trickling in make sense of it ....

                      The female PM was called a “nasty woman” by trump when he tripled down a little while ago. Mad that she PUBLICLY rebuffed his UNSOLICITED gambit that WAS leaked by Trump to distract from his domestic troubles last week. The “nasty” woman (Trump code for ANY female that doesn’t show him the deference he demands ) could have “handled it privately “ (he didn’t) so now he will punish her by canceling his trip.

                      And it has NOTHING to do with the fact that Obama has a visit scheduled a couple weeks after Trump. So after his visit would be protested , huge crowds for Obama. With the inevitable
                      Crowd comparisons that BURN Trumps flesh and sear his brain.

                      So like a dysfunctional person does, dramatic steps are taken to create an alternative “story” as a cover
                      No doubt he imagined she would fall for his magnanimous offer, his ego is just that large. I wish Queen Elizabeth hadn't been so utterly British and polite to him. Hopefully the Danes troll Trump by showing up in force for Obama. The Brits sure had fun with Baby Trump.


                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        So you are also outraged over the Anti-Semitic remarks made by the new leaders of the democrat party?

                        Please clarify so we know your outrage is consistent.
                        Criticizing a government isn't being disloyal. Only to Trump it is.


                          Welp, we have our answer on what the latest made-up controversy today is.

                          This, from Fredo:

                          "It's been almost three years since Trump won the presidency. He looks exactly the same."

                          "His hair is—I don't know what's going on with that. But he may do things that presidents in the past haven't done to augment their physical reality, but it could also be he doesn't care the way others have," he added.


                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            Title con just posts the same things over and over again.
                            Yeah ....he just said on camera “I am the messiah”

                            He turned and looked skyward when he said it.

                            This was while discussing China and that he was there to deal with them.

                            Reached a whole new level of crazy.

                            Gotta wonder what’s coming out soon


                              Politico/Morning Consult - 2020 matchups:
                              Trump 40, Biden 46
                              Trump 39, Bernie 44
                              Trump 38, Warren 40
                              Trump 38, Booker 35
                              Trump 38, Harris 38
                              Trump 38, Beto 34
                              Trump 38, Buttigieg 32

                              Trump approval is at 42-55, and he's again polling below his approval. Big red flag for Trump.


                                Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks an

                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                Politico/Morning Consult - 2020 matchups:
                                Trump 40, Biden 46
                                Trump 39, Bernie 44
                                Trump 38, Warren 40
                                Trump 38, Booker 35
                                Trump 38, Harris 38
                                Trump 38, Beto 34
                                Trump 38, Buttigieg 32

                                Trump approval is at 42-55, and he's again polling below his approval. Big red flag for Trump.

                                You are all forgetting that in 2016 Hillarys campaign was a bigger disaster than the titanic!!!! She had roughly 30% more money for her campaign and TRUMP beat her handedly.

                                So which of these liberal candidates can raise and/or match hillarys $1.4 billion in campaign money!!!

                                Here are the numbers from 2016 campaign:

                                Hillary Campaign Cash: $623.1 million (this difference is pretty embarrassing)
                                Trump Campaign Cash: $334.8 million

                                Hillary Party and joint fundraising committees: $598.2 million
                                Trump Party and joint fundraising committees: $543.4 million

                                Hillary Super PACS: $204.4 million (this is alarming for all Americans either left or right)
                                Trump Super PACS: $79.3 million

                                Good Luck Liberal P_ssys!!!! in Summary, TRUMP is the Billie Bean of Campaigning!!!!!


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