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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    Typical Lib.

    Cheering for the loser.


    "We're #2!! We're #2!! We're #2!!"
    Just cheering that Cruz is such a desperate loser that he sold out to the guy who insulted his father and wife. The GOP is filled with losers of the worst kind. They'll sell their souls for power and money.


      I’m hearing that Donald Trump Jr. will be arrested in the very near future.

      An early Christmas this year?


        Cons freaking out in FL because re-count votes have been triggered. They're actually upset that votes will be counted - both Scott and Rubio have said "omg they want to count ALL the votes!" . GA voting issues could trigger legal action. AZ senate seat may wind up blue. See, every vote does matter and every vote should be counted.

        As a side note we need
        - a national holiday on election day, or make it a two day process on Sat/Sun
        - serious investment in better equipment. In NY and CT they had trouble with ballots clogging machines due to humidity. 3rd world countries have more updated equipment than we do in some places
        - early voting and voting by mail expanded to ALL states


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          I’m hearing that Donald Trump Jr. will be arrested in the very near future.

          An early Christmas this year?
          Another reason for Trump's freaking out? Probably. His temp AG sat on a board that was a sham He also thinks the Supreme Court has too much power. Um, it's in the constitution for a reason.


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            I’m hearing that Donald Trump Jr. will be arrested in the very near future.

            An early Christmas this year?
            Oh good, we're back to "I'm hearing".

            That's always entertaining...


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              Oh good, we're back to "I'm hearing".

              That's always entertaining...
              Trump says it ALL THE TIME. He makes sh*t up constantly


                Federal judge has blocked the Keystone pipeline. Another Trump pet project takes a hit. The other day another blocked his trying to eliminate DACA.


                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  Cons freaking out in FL because re-count votes have been triggered. They're actually upset that votes will be counted - both Scott and Rubio have said "omg they want to count ALL the votes!" . GA voting issues could trigger legal action. AZ senate seat may wind up blue. See, every vote does matter and every vote should be counted.

                  As a side note we need
                  - a national holiday on election day, or make it a two day process on Sat/Sun
                  - serious investment in better equipment. In NY and CT they had trouble with ballots clogging machines due to humidity. 3rd world countries have more updated equipment than we do in some places
                  - early voting and voting by mail expanded to ALL states
                  I believe it is called theft - Aunt Jemima should be in prison. Hopefully she will be soon.

                  "On election night, Broward County said there were 634,000 votes cast. At 1 a.m. today, there were 695,700 ballots cast on election day. At 2:30 p.m. today, the number was up to 707,223 ballots cast on Election Day. And we just learned, that the number has increased to 712,840 ballots cast on Election Day. In Palm Beach County, there are 15,000 new votes found since election night.


                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    Trump says it ALL THE TIME. He makes sh*t up constantly
                    So, as mentioned the other day, you are the same as Trump.



                      The phony outrage from leftists is just sad. This is why they need to be ignored and have fire hoses turned on them when they protest.

                      At least four Democrats facing sexual misconduct controversies in the #MeToo era were voted into office on Tuesday, a result that would appear to clash with the party’s claims to stand behind women and have zero tolerance toward such allegations.

                      House Reps. Keith Ellison, Tony Cárdenas and Bobby Scott, and Sen. Bob Menendez, all came out victorious on Tuesday, despite being accused of misconduct.


                      Cárdenas, a California Democrat, meanwhile, easily cruised to victory in the state’s 29th Congressional District, receiving nearly 80 percent of the vote, while being the subject of a lawsuit claiming he drugged and sexually assaulted a 16-year-old teenager in 2007.

                      A Los Angeles Superior Court ruled that “a reasonable and meritorious basis” for the case to proceed and Cárdenas was publicly identified as the accused person. He denied the accusations.


                      Old allegations of misconduct also came back to haunt Menendez, the incumbent New Jersey Senator, who won the closer-than-expected race as well.

                      Republican candidate Bob Hugin revived salacious allegations that Menendez had sex with underage prostitutes during past trips to the Dominican Republic.

                      The Democrat denied the allegations multiple times and decried them as a smear ever since they were revealed on a news site in 2012.


                      Virginia Democrat Bobby Scott won Virginia's 3rd Congressional District thanks to nobody challenging him, even after he was accused of sexual misconduct in 2017.

                      A former Congressional Black Caucus Foundation fellow. M. Reese Everson, claimed that the congressman sexually harassed her in 2013, and that she was fired and blacklisted from further work on Capitol Hill after she refused his advances.


                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        Oh good, we're back to "I'm hearing".

                        That's always entertaining...

                        Two days ago, Gabriel Sherman reported that White House officials are concerned about Donald Jr. “I’m very worried about Don Jr.,” a former West Wing official told Sherman, who fears Mueller will be able to prove perjury. Deep in a report about Trump’s 2020 campaign plans, Politico drops the news this morning that Trump Jr. “has told friends in recent weeks that he believes he could be indicted.”

                        and in case you think that's too left a source, here's one from the right

                        "Donald Trump Jr. is concerned he may be indicted by special counsel Robert Mueller's team as early as this week, according to multiple reports.

                        President Trump's eldest son has told at least one person close to him that Mueller could charge him with making false statements to Congress and the FBI regarding whether the infamous June 2016 Trump Tower meeting with a Kremlin-linked lawyer was arranged on the pretense of obtaining political opposition research on Hillary Clinton ahead of the election, Vanity Fair reported Wednesday.

                        The source told the magazine that the case against Trump Jr. could be bolstered by testimony from Rick Gates, Trump's former deputy campaign chairman, who is cooperating with Mueller's office. Gates pleaded guilty in February to one count of conspiracy against the U.S. and one count of making a false statement stemming from Mueller's federal Russia investigation. He is yet to be sentenced.

                        Politico reported earlier Wednesday that Trump Jr. had expressed fears to his circle of friends about a forthcoming indictment.



                          LOL. Switch from "I'm hearing" to links with unnamed sources, former sources no longer in the know.

                          I wouldn't be surprised if the links and sources came from here.....


                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            LOL. Switch from "I'm hearing" to links with unnamed sources, former sources no longer in the know.

                            I wouldn't be surprised if the links and sources came from here.....
                            Maybe Lanny Davis ?



                              Trump only hires the best. Lol!


                                So when you Cons start showing some to be speaker Pelosi the respect she deserves, perhaps you can get some cooperation


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