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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    You are just mad because he isn’t the DISGRACE that your boy Trump is.

    How many times did I tell you that he was just superior to anything you have? That he would BREAK the GOP.

    Yup. Obama and Holder.

    In West Winging It: An Un-presidential Memoir, senior writer Pat Cunnane tells how Obama's White House became 'Hollywood East' for its frequent celebrity guests
    'You never knew who you would run into on the way to the mess, or who was waiting for you to exit the restroom...we had no shortage of high profile guests at the White House,' he writes
    Cunnane reveals Obama's obsession with golf was a nightmare for press wranglers who had to block them from nabbing a photo of him playing rounds
    'A duffed chip or missed putt could draw out trite, stretched analogies to a failed policy or flawed rollout from a bored press pool,' Cunnane writes
    Obama also caused a frenzy when he left the White House for a coffee run without the press pool
    The former press wrangler told how the president's style improved over time since at times he wore' unusually tight sweatpants and sandals with white socks'


      Newt Gingrich says that if Trump fires Special Counsel Bob Mueller it would be a “disaster” that would “split” the Republican Party.

      Break the party? Where have I heard that before 🤔🤔🤔🤔?


        Axios reports that the former FBI director compared President Donald Trump to a “mob boss” in the upcoming interview, and one source tells the publication that the interview will “certainly add more meat to the charges swirling around Trump.”

        According to Axios, Comey is going to reveal information that he has never discussed before — and the publication’s source predicts that Comey is “going to shock the president and his team.”

        Comey’s book, titled “A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership,” is set to release on April 17. White House aides are reportedly already concerned about Trump’s reaction to Comey’s book, and one former administration official said this week that they expected the book to be “more damaging” than Michael Wolff’s book “Fire and Fury,” which topped bestseller lists earlier this year.

        The ABC interview with Comey is scheduled to air at 10 p.m. on Sunday, April 15.

        Wanna organize a TS viewing party?

        Tee hee
        Bwa ha ha


          How The Left Has Changed | Jonathan Haidt & Jordan B Peterson


            Mueller = Comey homey


              Some things in life are bad
              They can really make you mad
              Other things just make you swear and curse
              When you're chewing on life's gristle
              Don't grumble, give a whistle
              And this'll help things turn out for the best

              And always look on the bright side of life


                Call Nancy ! Call Chuck !

                College students in Arizona who participate in the Obama-era DACA program are no longer eligible for cheaper “in-state” tuition, the state’s Supreme Court ruled this week.

                The ruling affects so-called Dreamers who attend Arizona’s three state universities and its largest community college.

                The unanimous ruling Monday will affect at least 2,000 students who participate in DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), which began in 2012 and which President Donald Trump has been looking to scrap or change since taking office in 2017.

                The court said it would issue a written opinion explaining its reasoning by May 14.


                  This is what awaits us if the Democrats get their way.

                  SUN, SEA AND SLAUGHTER Mexico’s party hotspot Cancun sees 14 murdered in 36 hours as tourist town is overrun by drug gang violence

                  Mexico's growing crime wave threatens to leave the popular resort a ghost town with most murders in Cancun remaining unsolved


                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    How The Left Has Changed | Jonathan Haidt & Jordan B Peterson

                    Do not follow YouTube links. Sorry.

                    If a tree falls in the woods but no one hears .....


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      How The Left Has Changed | Jonathan Haidt & Jordan B Peterson

                      But I forgot something


                      Trump in peril and Bore-us is going through all his “greatest hits” today



                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        Mueller = Comey homey
                        Wait until the interview where Comey refers to Trump as a “mob boss.”



                          14 in 36 hours? Amateurs.

                          58 dead and hundreds wounded in 10 minutes


                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            Some things in life are bad
                            They can really make you mad
                            Other things just make you swear and curse
                            When you're chewing on life's gristle
                            Don't grumble, give a whistle
                            And this'll help things turn out for the best

                            And always look on the bright side of life
                            Who said the following ?

                            Grab ’em by the pussy.”

                            “I did try and **** her,” “She was married. I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. … I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there and she “Then she was married. “Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything.”
                            Tee hee
                            Bwa ha ha


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              Call Nancy ! Call Chuck !

                              College students in Arizona who participate in the Obama-era DACA program are no longer eligible for cheaper “in-state” tuition, the state’s Supreme Court ruled this week.

                              The ruling affects so-called Dreamers who attend Arizona’s three state universities and its largest community college.

                              The unanimous ruling Monday will affect at least 2,000 students who participate in DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), which began in 2012 and which President Donald Trump has been looking to scrap or change since taking office in 2017.

                              The court said it would issue a written opinion explaining its reasoning by May 14.
                              Poor little snowflake . That’s as big a win as you are bound to see.

                              So cheer harder! Jump higher! Dance con!



                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                Wait until the interview where Comey refers to Trump as a “mob boss.”

                                According to Larry Nichols, former President Bill Clinton told him, "After Al Capone, Hugh Rodham and Dan Rostenkowski took over (and ran) the Chicago Mob.”

                                Hugh Rodham is Hillary Clinton's father.

                                Nichols broke stories like the Lewinsky Scandal. He had the semen stained, blue dress from Monica Lewinsky, a White House page. It ignited President Bill Clinton's impeachment. It was alleged that Lewinsky had sex with President Bill Clinton in the White House.

                                A former trusted adviser to Bill and Hillary Clinton, Nichols helped run Bill's political campaigns while Bill was President and Governor of Arkansas.

                                ARTHUR A. COIA HAS BEEN VERY good to the Democrats. His union, the Laborers' International, has given more than $3 million to the party since 1991. At a private meeting in the Oval Office in 1994, the president gave Coia, an avid golfer, one of Clinton's personal clubs, a nine-iron. Last week Coia was vice chairman of a black-tie gala that netted the Democrats $12 million for the fall. The union boss sat at the same table with star attractions Robin Williams and Stevie Wonder.

                                Coia, who presides over 750,000 mostly low-wage construction and waste-removal workers, fancies himself a labor statesman; the presidential nine-iron is proudly displayed in a glass case at union headquarters in Washington. But Coia, who has also publicly hobnobbed with Hillary Clinton, is turning into a convenient target for Republicans searching for Democratic bogeymen.

                                The union Coia runs is infamous for its suspected mob ties. Two years ago, as first reported in the Providence (R.I.) Journal-Bulletin, federal prosecutors presented the Laborers' International with a draft 212-page complaint that read like a who's who of racketeering. The draft detailed how mobsters like Carmine (The Snake) Persico, (Trigger Mike) Coppola and Anthony (Fat Tony) Salerno had allegedly conspired to loot millions out of the union. And it named Coia as the latest union president ""to have been associated with, and controlled and influenced by, organized-crime figures.''


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