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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    Cons are fine with going back to being denied health care because of a pre-existing condition. And being kicked off their plan when they become sick.

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Democrat propaganda ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      Gotta love it when nutters are excited about a sub 40 approval. Lol
      I can see the point of the post went right over TeeHeeMan's head.

      Trump's poll number start to go up interestingly according college educated, advanced degrees and independents and suddenly we are rehashing that which was addressed way back in June following Comey's testimony.

      Libs are so easily manipulated by the media.


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        Gotta love it when nutters are excited about a sub 40 approval. Lol
        Not quite as good news as Nancy being shouted down and having to exit early and quickly the other day...on her own turf !


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          I didn't know there were nutters at Vox.

          According to Media Bias Fact Check

          And who was it that excitedly reported the Vix poll? Lol


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            Hey Dummie, he doesn't have to be personally under investigation to obstruct.
            But you didn't answer the question. What was he obstructing ?


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              Being conservative or a supporter of President Trump in America today invites attacks and insults from the left. We are shunned, unfriended, shamed, vilified, ridiculed and sometimes we even lose work. It seems we are considered part of a new Axis of Evil.

              I have received messages from fellow conservatives – not just in the U.S. but from around the world – telling me their own stories of being attacked and offering their prayers and support. I was humbled to know I was clearly not alone.

              Judging from all the positive messages, I hope that in some small way I have empowered other conservatives to stand up for what they believe and not be bullied into silence by progressives and the media and entertainment elites.

              But in addition to messages of support, I got plenty of messages from the haters. The overwhelming response from them was basically: “Who are you?” As if to say that because I’m a “nobody” I’m irrelevant and what I have to say is also irrelevant.

              Such irony, coming from progressives who claim to be for the underdog, the victimized and the oppressed. Apparently, the oppression of conservatives and conservative thought doesn’t count in this case.

              I also got a dishonorable mention on “Real Time with Bill Maher” on HBO, complete with cutaways to others laughing at my “lack of fame” and my “irrelevance.”

              Those like Maher, who see themselves as some kind of cosmopolitan liberal elite, are only too ready to sneer at the culture that worships fame. And yet, when someone who isn’t famous contradicts their worldview, their first response is: “Who is this person? They aren’t famous, why should we listen to anything they say?”

              Rather than discuss what I said, these elites just sneered at the fact that I’m not a top-grossing film star with a shelf full of Academy Awards who is mobbed by fans everywhere I go.

              I wonder why we value this thing called “fame” anyway. I learned with my small moment in the limelight that “fame” in and of itself has no real value. Looking at some of the personal train wrecks in Hollywood over the years, it’s sadly clear they took the fame game to heart.

              Let me pose some questions to every successful “famous” leftist pundit and celebrity:

              How are you using your voice? For a good cause, or just to burnish your brand, draw more fame and make more money? Are you trying to end the hate and the polarization in our country or increase it?

              The sad truth is that so many who mount hysterical, hateful and almost nonstop attacks on conservatives and President Trump are fanning the flames of division that pit Americans against each other. Instead of seeking to bridge differences, they seek to accentuate them.

              Our great country is called the United States of America – but so many are trying to make us the Divided States of America, filled with citizens who reject cooperation and embrace confrontation.


              Reiterating this line:

              How are you using your voice? For a good cause, or just to burnish your brand, draw more fame and make more money? Are you trying to end the hate and the polarization in our country or increase it?

              What say ye'?
              Black Lives Matter' Leader Wins Over Trump Supporters: "If We Really Want America Great, We Do It Together"

              Now what do you think the crowds reaction would be if the rolls were reverse? Undoubtedly something like this.



                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                I can see the point of the post went right over TeeHeeMan's head.

                Trump's poll number start to go up interestingly according college educated, advanced degrees and independents and suddenly we are rehashing that which was addressed way back in June following Comey's testimony.

                Libs are so easily manipulated by the media.
                Sub 40 is still sub 40. And the nutters are elated.


                  Can't make this stuff up ! Hillary, where were you ?

                  President Bill Clinton made a remarkably similar threat back in 1993 against Kim’s grandfather, Kim Il-sung. During a trip through Asia, Clinton said this about his policy towards North Korea: “We would overwhelmingly retaliate if they were to ever use, to develop and use nuclear weapons. It would mean the end of their country as they know it.”


                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    Perfect example of absurd attempt to be righteous and holier than thou.

                    I say you should stop with the silly platitudes and take a real hard look at the guy you voted for president.

                    Glass houses and all...
                    Actually that's the role of the left - righteous and holier than thou. And silly platitudes?

                    The pussyhat is a symbol of support and solidarity for women's rights and political resistance. Make a pussyhat! Give a pussyhat! Wear your pussyhat!


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      Can't make this stuff up ! Hillary, where were you ?

                      President Bill Clinton made a remarkably similar threat back in 1993 against Kim’s grandfather, Kim Il-sung. During a trip through Asia, Clinton said this about his policy towards North Korea: “We would overwhelmingly retaliate if they were to ever use, to develop and use nuclear weapons. It would mean the end of their country as they know it.”
                      No dummy, it's not remarkably similar. Trump is threatening first strike with nuclear weapons.


                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        You are truly being hilarious now. Might I suggest then that they stop having secret service rent 60,000 of golf carts on a weekend ?

                        This for a family that will spend more on travel THIS YEAR than obama did in 8

                        No I think don jr's treason tour is better conducted outside view of government agents
                        Told ya Trump was no conservative.



                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          An unemployed " hero" at that. Great lesson to be teaching children.

                          " moral center " ? Just what does that mean? Is that the same " moral center " on display by other athletes with their vulgar gestures, celebrations and other " highlights " .
                          The same " moral center" that drives many of them to have criminal records ? How many suspended this week from NCAA teams ? Did the " babies " receive information on the killings that go on day after day, week after week in Chicago ?
                          49ers-Rams tickets reselling for the price of two stadium pretzels
                          Thursday, September 21, 2017

                          NFL viewership down and study suggests it’s over protests
                          October 11, 2016
                          While the NFL attributes the decline in ratings to the presidential race, a study conducted by Rasmussen Reports shows otherwise. Approximately 1,000 American adults participated in a telephone questionnaire on Oct. 2-3 that revealed nearly one-third (32 percent) are “less likely to watch an NFL game” due to players taking a stand and protesting the national anthem. Thirteen percent want to watch a game because of the protests. Fifty-two percent do not base their viewing choice on the protests at all. But the league executives disagree.

                          So last year ratings were down because of the election. This year it's down because of hurricanes, at least according to the NFL. Of course that doesn't explain the Rams 49ers game mentioned above.

                          The NFL Can’t Keep TV Afloat Anymore
                          Sep 20, 2017



                            Eptember 20, 2017

                            BREAKING NEWS: The Dow Jones Industrial Average and S&P 500 close the day at record highs. This is the 7th straight record close for the Dow and 42nd record close under President Donald J. Trump.


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              No dummy, it's not remarkably similar. Trump is threatening first strike with nuclear weapons.

                              Talk about spin !


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post

                                Talk about spin !
                                Right...Trump just sittin' around the house, counting cash, and thinking of popping a bomb on top of N Korea just for something to do this afternoon.

                                Spinning is winning...


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