Don't remove your posts from the site! More importantly don't give in to the ranting of an embittered and anonymous parent who wants to lash out at you for for their frustration over Energy's unfortunate setback. In case you don't want to engage them, allow me...
In response to "Energy Parent"... BACK OFF! SD is one of the most fair and positive participants of this or other sites for NW Soccer. The fact that he speaks candidly about his daughter's team does not discount his enthusiasm for their success. In fact, rather than a person who constantly "airs dirty laundry," he promotes WSM Harambee/Energy in such a positive light, that one would quickly label him a "believer," in spite of their on/off-field misgivings. If you want to do something positive for your daughter and her teammates, stop slamming SD and get yourself involved in team-building and player development activities. Be a part of the solution, instead of adding to the problem by creating more discontent.
SD... stick to you guns, Bud. Keep on posting, and to quote my favorite Journey tune, "Don't Stop Believing."
In response to "Energy Parent"... BACK OFF! SD is one of the most fair and positive participants of this or other sites for NW Soccer. The fact that he speaks candidly about his daughter's team does not discount his enthusiasm for their success. In fact, rather than a person who constantly "airs dirty laundry," he promotes WSM Harambee/Energy in such a positive light, that one would quickly label him a "believer," in spite of their on/off-field misgivings. If you want to do something positive for your daughter and her teammates, stop slamming SD and get yourself involved in team-building and player development activities. Be a part of the solution, instead of adding to the problem by creating more discontent.
SD... stick to you guns, Bud. Keep on posting, and to quote my favorite Journey tune, "Don't Stop Believing."