Since the Oregon forum has become more popular, we need a moderator that understands this area. The present moderators are all from Fl or Mass.
A moderator must be unbiased. Must read unpleasant things about their team and understand that it is opinion. A moderator must delete and edit obsenity, and any sexual, racist or political posts. This is not the forum for that. A moderator must let smack talk about teams stand as long as it does not mention a players name in a negative way, or a coach in a slanderous way. This is competitive soccer so smack talk is allowed, but not the rest.
If you have the time and are unbiased then contact me, thebes20. You will see my icon on the bottom of the Oregon page. Thanks
A moderator must be unbiased. Must read unpleasant things about their team and understand that it is opinion. A moderator must delete and edit obsenity, and any sexual, racist or political posts. This is not the forum for that. A moderator must let smack talk about teams stand as long as it does not mention a players name in a negative way, or a coach in a slanderous way. This is competitive soccer so smack talk is allowed, but not the rest.
If you have the time and are unbiased then contact me, thebes20. You will see my icon on the bottom of the Oregon page. Thanks