Hello everyone.
I was interested in ordering a protective helmet for my daughter who is learning to walk. She has CP and freefalls backwards often. We are having a custom made helmet made for her but it takes 3-5 weeks to complete. Does anyone know what the product from the UK is called and how I can get it? It is called a something guard and has little ears. My friend says she heard that someone was talking about it on these boards and I am desperate to get one. We live in Los Angeles, CA and I would be happy to pay for expedited shipping if needed. My daughter is beginning a preschool program next Tuesday, the 22nd and I want to see if it were possible to receive by then so any help would be gratefully received.
Thank you. Fiona.
I was interested in ordering a protective helmet for my daughter who is learning to walk. She has CP and freefalls backwards often. We are having a custom made helmet made for her but it takes 3-5 weeks to complete. Does anyone know what the product from the UK is called and how I can get it? It is called a something guard and has little ears. My friend says she heard that someone was talking about it on these boards and I am desperate to get one. We live in Los Angeles, CA and I would be happy to pay for expedited shipping if needed. My daughter is beginning a preschool program next Tuesday, the 22nd and I want to see if it were possible to receive by then so any help would be gratefully received.
Thank you. Fiona.