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None of this Means Anythng!

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    18hrs and counting. Quick add to all the other threads to bump them back up to the top now little troll.


      20 hrs now troll. Now do the recaptcha dance for me.


        21 - keep dancing


          Originally posted by Guest View Post
          21 - keep dancing
          21 can you do something for me


            Originally posted by Guest View Post

            Who wrote this? I am the original poster. This post is not from me. My daughter played 2 tournaments this spring with EDP/Pre-GA teams- 2012 & 2011. She was best player on the field. Coaches of the 2 teams want her bad and even offered to play her up because she needed better competition. Soccer is her 3rd sport even though I wish it was first. Basketball is favorite and lacrosse is 2nd. She is already playing top level AAU basketball and plays on top LAX team in SJ. Adding soccer at higher level is too much, even though she is awesome. When I refer to EDP/GA I do this because she is a 2012 girl and that is the top level for her right now. If she tires of other sports and comes back to soccer, watch out. She is a phenom!
            I thought I was the original poster


              Originally posted by Guest View Post

              21 can you do something for me
              Young blud with his little zest fest


                I am the troll who posted this thread. My daughter is awesome and your kids suck! But you know what? 95% of the kids playing now will not play after the age of 18, except in an adult rec league. So all you delusional parents can suck it! Your kids will end up as former child athletes that are a dime a dozen. Only the truly great players (my daughter) make it to the big time! Too bad she love BB or she would really show your loser kids how real soccer is played.


                  So new top on this thread. Who is the best U4 team in NJ? I think the best U4 team is SJEB. They have a 4 year old boy- Jocco Phuteboule. His father played professionally in France. He is the next great USA player. He has already been offered a spot on the 2039 Philadelphia Union MLS Squad, but his dad took the full scholarship offer to Indiana. Parents can never start planning ahead too soon!


                    Originally posted by Guest View Post
                    What a bunch of losers on this site. 2014 Boys? Really? The best players now will most likely not be best players at 15, 16 or 17 years old. This is such a waste of time. None of this matters and the odds your kid will play college soccer or higher are slim to none! A lot of these kids will get burnt out and move to other sports- football, cross country, lacrosse, baseball, etc. You are pushing these kids too hard. I know, I know. the kids want to play at a higher level. That may be true, but you are the adults and should pull back on these crazy programs that want you at every practice, every game, every futsal- not just for the fall or spring, but year round. Do yourselves a favor and pull back. I delayed this level of play with my 2012 daughter and she was invited to 4 tryouts this year- SJEB, Deptford, PDA, & Real. Guess how many we went to? ZERO. She has improved so much in 3 years we don't need to push up to EDP or play 11 v 11 a year early. This is all so stupid. My son is a 2013 and I am doing the same for him. SJEB, FutbolTech & Real invited him to tryouts and we said no thanks. If your kid is good enough and they keep improving they can make a team at 15 or 16. Just being on a team at younger ages does not guarantee teams will keep you or not take better players. Both my kids are super fast, have good skill, and see the game differently than kids their age due to all the other sports they play. They play in SJSL at Flight 2 and dominate. They both average 2+ goals and 2+ assists per game and get to try crazy moves because they are better. Both played 4 scrimmages against EDP teams and while they did not dominate to the level of SJSL, they both drove play at both ends and each scored 2 goals. With that being said, the game and players change once kids hit 15/16 years old. None of this crap people are posting means anything. Even my kids may get passed by, but that is the point of my post. Let the kids be kids and stop all this BS. Parents of EDP/GA players don't even realize it is a business. Maybe 2-3 players on a team will go on and play soccer in college. They rest would have been better off putting all their money in a 529 plan. Wake up! Your kid will not have a leg up once puberty hits. Puberty is the great equalizer. Just like all the other sports. None of this means anything until then. There is a ton of talent not playing EDP/GA, you people just don't realize it because you are too wrapped up the B.S. Just get your kid to enjoy sports and do not put so much pressure on them!
                    Sounds like a Highland Dad


                      My 2012 is best player in NJ! She is so good just signed with a boys 2012 team. Eat your hearts out losers!


                        No one is listening to the original post. Youth sports below 14 & 15 means nothing. You are all fools and on the "Road to no where!" Let you kid be kids and have fun. They won't be playing college anyway, so you should let them enjoy their childhood. Congress should step in and ban all sports levels including soccer) higher than town travel until a kid turns 14! Who cares what team is the best at 10U or 12U? That is like trying to pick the most ethical person in the US Senate. It is a useless task, with no answer and means nothing! WAKE UP LOSERS!!!!1


                          Originally posted by Guest View Post
                          No one is listening to the original post. Youth sports below 14 & 15 means nothing. You are all fools and on the "Road to no where!" Let you kid be kids and have fun. They won't be playing college anyway, so you should let them enjoy their childhood. Congress should step in and ban all sports levels including soccer) higher than town travel until a kid turns 14! Who cares what team is the best at 10U or 12U? That is like trying to pick the most ethical person in the US Senate. It is a useless task, with no answer and means nothing! WAKE UP LOSERS!!!!1
                          You;re the loser, disadvantaging your child


                            Well, well, well.


                              Originally posted by Guest View Post
                              Well, well, well.
                              Oh delusional parents


                                Welcome back. Where've you been? Did your daughter decide which sport she was going to focus on?


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