Fisch is a dirtbag and and a human failure. His HS team has the dirtiest players in the state. Multiple fouls, multiple injuries, illegal plays. It's a coach's responsibility to rein that in. There's a line, and he and his players go way over that line.
There's no need for his team to inflict season and career ending injuries on other teenagers.
Plus, every game has multiple instances of obvious, illegal play. Why are his players still doing it?
Apparently he thinks if he gets away with it, it's OK. Sure, exploit the referee crisis to try to get an edge in a children's game. That's the attitude of a psychopath. A HS coach has a responsibility to all the children on the field.
There's no need for his team to inflict season and career ending injuries on other teenagers.
Plus, every game has multiple instances of obvious, illegal play. Why are his players still doing it?
Apparently he thinks if he gets away with it, it's OK. Sure, exploit the referee crisis to try to get an edge in a children's game. That's the attitude of a psychopath. A HS coach has a responsibility to all the children on the field.