Just got off the phone with a friend who's daughter remains in youth soccer in CT. (Mine's out and I miss it!)
Have a question that I have wondered since my daughter played. Where does the money the families pay for ODP go? If I recall correctly, we used to pay nearly $1,000 for training twice a week at the rocky environs of Vinal Tech, the Rider Tournament, and the Camp at URI.
My friend says they only train once a month in the winter and not at all in the spring nowadays. Cost is in the neighborhood of $1100 now.
I have my calculator out. With a 27 player roster, that's $29,700 PER TEAM. 7 teams on the girls (two U13, two U14, U15, U16 and U17). 7 more on the boys.
That's $415,800 for the entire program! I have no idea what the current people get to run it, but I thought I remember JV getting around 10 grand and coaches much less than that.
If you figure $200 per player for food and housing at the camp, and $100 per player for the same at Rider, that's $75,600 for the entire boys and girls program (only 18 go to Rider and the camp). I don't think the state coaches got paid to work the camp. Maybe the Regional ones do. Let's go with $500 each for Regional Staff coaches. 30 or so coaches per week. 6 camps (boys and girls). That's $90,000. Divided by 13 states. Each state's share = $6,923.
Subtract $10,000 for State ODP Coaching Director. I'm going to go with $4,000 in coaching money per team. Another $56,000. Fields? Indoor is more expensive so I'll go with $15,000 for the year. I believe the uniforms are donated. I remember t-shirts and baggy shorts. One year grey t-shirts with white numbers! That was comical.
Here are the totals:
$1100 per player
$29,700 per team
14 teams (boys and girls)
TOTAL INCOME: $415,800
$50,400 ($200 per player ID Camp)
$25,200 ($100 per player at Rider)
$7000 (regional staff at 6 camps)
$15,000 (fields for training in winter)
$10,000 (State Coaching Director)
$56,000 (State coaches--all teams)
$252,200 PROFIT for ODP program!
I always wanted to bring it up when my daughter was playing, but was afraid to. Whew! I feel much better now!
If anyone has different numbers, feel free to correct me. I'd like to believe a not for profit organization like CJSA wouldn't look to make a quarter of a million dollars on the ODP program.
Have a question that I have wondered since my daughter played. Where does the money the families pay for ODP go? If I recall correctly, we used to pay nearly $1,000 for training twice a week at the rocky environs of Vinal Tech, the Rider Tournament, and the Camp at URI.
My friend says they only train once a month in the winter and not at all in the spring nowadays. Cost is in the neighborhood of $1100 now.
I have my calculator out. With a 27 player roster, that's $29,700 PER TEAM. 7 teams on the girls (two U13, two U14, U15, U16 and U17). 7 more on the boys.
That's $415,800 for the entire program! I have no idea what the current people get to run it, but I thought I remember JV getting around 10 grand and coaches much less than that.
If you figure $200 per player for food and housing at the camp, and $100 per player for the same at Rider, that's $75,600 for the entire boys and girls program (only 18 go to Rider and the camp). I don't think the state coaches got paid to work the camp. Maybe the Regional ones do. Let's go with $500 each for Regional Staff coaches. 30 or so coaches per week. 6 camps (boys and girls). That's $90,000. Divided by 13 states. Each state's share = $6,923.
Subtract $10,000 for State ODP Coaching Director. I'm going to go with $4,000 in coaching money per team. Another $56,000. Fields? Indoor is more expensive so I'll go with $15,000 for the year. I believe the uniforms are donated. I remember t-shirts and baggy shorts. One year grey t-shirts with white numbers! That was comical.
Here are the totals:
$1100 per player
$29,700 per team
14 teams (boys and girls)
TOTAL INCOME: $415,800
$50,400 ($200 per player ID Camp)
$25,200 ($100 per player at Rider)
$7000 (regional staff at 6 camps)
$15,000 (fields for training in winter)
$10,000 (State Coaching Director)
$56,000 (State coaches--all teams)
$252,200 PROFIT for ODP program!
I always wanted to bring it up when my daughter was playing, but was afraid to. Whew! I feel much better now!
If anyone has different numbers, feel free to correct me. I'd like to believe a not for profit organization like CJSA wouldn't look to make a quarter of a million dollars on the ODP program.