Originally posted by Guest
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Another “scoop” lands shortly after I posted ^^^^ that.
Republican Gov. Pete Ricketts of Nebraska said Sunday that he will call a special session of his state's legislature to pass a total ban on abortion if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade this term.
"Including in the case of rape or incest?" Bash asked. To which the governor replied: "They're still babies, too. Yes."
Thats right ….here is the appropriate progression.
OVUM (before fertilization)
ZYGOTE (0-4 days)
BLASTOCYST (5-12 days)
EMBRYO (until end of 10 weeks after conception)
FETUS (up until 21-22 weeks )
BABY ( earliest fetus could survive birth. Record is 21 weeks 5 days.)
so I think we see where the 20 week thing came from.
just want readers to see that cons use the word “baby” to refer to an undifferentiated ball of cells that hasn’t even traveled far enough to take it’s one in three chance of successfully implanting in the uterus later in the blastocyst (thing of it as “ball o’ cells :) ) stage.
we can be more specific - I love discussing “The Science” (con’s construct, not mine ) anytime