To all the degenerate, Fuktards, FukTARTs and Republikazzzzes your efforts and messaging is working nicely, you have so far enabled a one term presidency, lost the house/Senate in 2020. And after all those loses you all continued your tyrant false narrative.
In a typical downturn year for the incumbent party the house or senate expects huge loses but the Fuktards, FukTARTs and the degenerate party prevented such tidal wave so please continue your work and soon the Republikazzzzes will be the minority in EVERY election
good day.
In a typical downturn year for the incumbent party the house or senate expects huge loses but the Fuktards, FukTARTs and the degenerate party prevented such tidal wave so please continue your work and soon the Republikazzzzes will be the minority in EVERY election
good day.