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FC Bucks 2006 ECNL - Girls

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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    Its not RL so they are winning in that respect. RL is lower than sand lot soccer
    The carpool squad's constant trashing of RL in response to criticism of their own team seems a bit odd and completely lacking any sort of self awareness. The RL team isnt pretending to be anything other than what it is - an average team, comprised of a group of girls who have other interests and play other sports, but still want to play competitive soccer. The parents of the players on the RL team arent delusional and know their kids likely will not play soccer in college. Maybe a few make it at the D2 or D3 level, but the main goal of the majority of players is to have fun. To put it simply, the RL players/parents know what they are getting and are getting exactly what they want.

    On the other hand, you have the ECNL team - these poor parents are convinced their kids are on an elite team - they think they are like Surf, Slammers or PDA, when in reality all they have in common with those teams is the size of the checks they write. These parents are all delusional and think their kids are getting D1 scholarships. If these parents had any sort of self awareness, they would recognize that they are only slightly better, as a team, than the RL team they keep trashing, and one on one, player v. player, there are many players on the ECNL team that would lose out in true competition to many players on the RL team.


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      The carpool squad's constant trashing of RL in response to criticism of their own team seems a bit odd and completely lacking any sort of self awareness. The RL team isnt pretending to be anything other than what it is - an average team, comprised of a group of girls who have other interests and play other sports, but still want to play competitive soccer. The parents of the players on the RL team arent delusional and know their kids likely will not play soccer in college. Maybe a few make it at the D2 or D3 level, but the main goal of the majority of players is to have fun. To put it simply, the RL players/parents know what they are getting and are getting exactly what they want.

      On the other hand, you have the ECNL team - these poor parents are convinced their kids are on an elite team - they think they are like Surf, Slammers or PDA, when in reality all they have in common with those teams is the size of the checks they write. These parents are all delusional and think their kids are getting D1 scholarships. If these parents had any sort of self awareness, they would recognize that they are only slightly better, as a team, than the RL team they keep trashing, and one on one, player v. player, there are many players on the ECNL team that would lose out in true competition to many players on the RL team.
      RL is NOT competitive. This is where you are way wrong. RL is the lowest league in the US right now. ICSL Div 4 is better (many kids left RL to play in ICSL). RL for kids new to soccer. This is ok. All sports need a intro league. It is what it is. Not bashing.


        Fc Bucks 2006 ECNL Girls

        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        Both the 06 & 07 ecnl teams would get crushed by Ukies GAL teams - would be lucky to score 1 goal - but wouldn't want my daughter on either one of those teams - coach doesn't do what he says he is going to do, doesn't reward girls for working hard and improving
        Except for not being a "dad" coach sounds like ECNL team....


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          RL is NOT competitive. This is where you are way wrong. RL is the lowest league in the US right now. ICSL Div 4 is better (many kids left RL to play in ICSL). RL for kids new to soccer. This is ok. All sports need a intro league. It is what it is. Not bashing.
          It may be bad in the North Atlantic division, but NA is also probably the weakest division in ECNL and Bucks is likely the weakest club in that division. Put your 2006 ECNL team up against RL teams from clubs like Solar, SoCal, Hawks, etc. It might not be pretty for your Bucks team.


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            It may be bad in the North Atlantic division, but NA is also probably the weakest division in ECNL and Bucks is likely the weakest club in that division. Put your 2006 ECNL team up against RL teams from clubs like Solar, SoCal, Hawks, etc. It might not be pretty for your Bucks team.
            Truth and that’s what these bucks morons don’t get . Their precious ECNL patch isn’t worth sh** as it’s for one of the weakest clubs in the weakest ECNL division. All ECNL clubs are not created equally and bucks is one of the worst - and college coaches and the soccer community as a whole know this.


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              RL is NOT competitive. This is where you are way wrong. RL is the lowest league in the US right now. ICSL Div 4 is better (many kids left RL to play in ICSL). RL for kids new to soccer. This is ok. All sports need a intro league. It is what it is. Not bashing.
              Who cares - the point is, players and parents on the RL team are happy and aren't pretending to be something they are not. They aren't delusional and aren't thinking their kids are going to all get D1 scholarships. FC Bucks 06 ECNL on the other hand is the worst team in the worst division of ECNL - meaning that FC Bucks 06 ECNL may actually be the worst team in all of the ECNL. Ask yourselves, have you come to terms with this? Have you come to terms with the FACT that your kids play on the worst ECNL team in the entire league. Have you come to terms that you will pay thousands of dollars to travel across the country to attend showcases, where your team isnt really being showcased, coaches aren't attending your games and you are more or less subsidizing the showcasing of real ECNL teams attending these events? Have you come to terms with the fact that your kids, despite a special shiny ELITE patch and despite you writing MUCH large checks, will get the same looks and same opportunities when it comes to college, as local township teams?


                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                Who cares - the point is, players and parents on the RL team are happy and aren't pretending to be something they are not. They aren't delusional and aren't thinking their kids are going to all get D1 scholarships. FC Bucks 06 ECNL on the other hand is the worst team in the worst division of ECNL - meaning that FC Bucks 06 ECNL may actually be the worst team in all of the ECNL. Ask yourselves, have you come to terms with this? Have you come to terms with the FACT that your kids play on the worst ECNL team in the entire league. Have you come to terms that you will pay thousands of dollars to travel across the country to attend showcases, where your team isnt really being showcased, coaches aren't attending your games and you are more or less subsidizing the showcasing of real ECNL teams attending these events? Have you come to terms with the fact that your kids, despite a special shiny ELITE patch and despite you writing MUCH large checks, will get the same looks and same opportunities when it comes to college, as local township teams?
                RL parents are NOT happy. RL is a joke. We all know this. PAGS is better and so is ICSL. We like that RL is a good intro to soccer. Thats about it. Its not real soccer.


                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  Who cares - the point is, players and parents on the RL team are happy and aren't pretending to be something they are not. They aren't delusional and aren't thinking their kids are going to all get D1 scholarships. FC Bucks 06 ECNL on the other hand is the worst team in the worst division of ECNL - meaning that FC Bucks 06 ECNL may actually be the worst team in all of the ECNL. Ask yourselves, have you come to terms with this? Have you come to terms with the FACT that your kids play on the worst ECNL team in the entire league. Have you come to terms that you will pay thousands of dollars to travel across the country to attend showcases, where your team isnt really being showcased, coaches aren't attending your games and you are more or less subsidizing the showcasing of real ECNL teams attending these events? Have you come to terms with the fact that your kids, despite a special shiny ELITE patch and despite you writing MUCH large checks, will get the same looks and same opportunities when it comes to college, as local township teams?
                  You'll never get the shiny ECNL patch!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH
                  NO SOUP FOR YOU!!

                  I love that you are miserable still!


                    Fc Bucks 2006 ECNL Girls

                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    RL parents are NOT happy. RL is a joke. We all know this. PAGS is better and so is ICSL. We like that RL is a good intro to soccer. Thats about it. Its not real soccer.
                    If you are an RL parent and not happy you have the option to leave - if you are an ENCL parent stop trashing the RL team and worry about our team


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      It may be bad in the North Atlantic division, but NA is also probably the weakest division in ECNL and Bucks is likely the weakest club in that division. Put your 2006 ECNL team up against RL teams from clubs like Solar, SoCal, Hawks, etc. It might not be pretty for your Bucks team.
                      "LIKELY"?!? You are being kind. Hand-picked, BRD carpool team is definitely the worst team in that division .... plenty of other local teams better than them that are not ECNL or even GAL.


                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        If you are an RL parent and not happy you have the option to leave - if you are an ENCL parent stop trashing the RL team and worry about our team
                        Being petty makes us feel better about how bad the team we created is.


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          If you are an RL parent and not happy you have the option to leave - if you are an ENCL parent stop trashing the RL team and worry about our team
                          Stop telling people what to do. RL isn’t soccer


                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            Stop telling people what to do. RL isn’t soccer
                            Neither is your 'ECNL' team


                              Worst ECNL team in entire USA. LOL


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                Worst ECNL team in entire USA. LOL
                                At least its not RL. That's one good thing about ECNL or any other league


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