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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    Of course they can talk on the phone at any time. But those calls are recorded and transcribed.

    Not everything that happens person-to-person gets captured.
    Since there is no evidence of any meetings between Trump and Putin, and no evidence of any conversations between them regarding the 2016 Election " meddling " or " collusion " , doesn't that equate to a stretch regarding the allegations ?

    I mean, if they are such buddies as the Liberals keep telling us, how come they don't speak often ? And before the election, did they speak at all ?

    Isn't it glaringly obvious that the entire " Russia Collusion" theory is 100 % nonsense?


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      Of course they can talk on the phone at any time. But those calls are recorded and transcribed.

      Not everything that happens person-to-person gets captured.
      Donnie has an unsecured phone remember?


        He’s a fool for using an unsecured phone. Let me reword that. He’s an even bigger fool for using an unsecured phone.

        He should assume that every conversation by a president on an unsecured phone is being listened to.


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          Since there is no evidence of any meetings between Trump and Putin, and no evidence of any conversations between them regarding the 2016 Election " meddling " or " collusion " , doesn't that equate to a stretch regarding the allegations ?

          I mean, if they are such buddies as the Liberals keep telling us, how come they don't speak often ? And before the election, did they speak at all ?

          Isn't it glaringly obvious that the entire " Russia Collusion" theory is 100 % nonsense?
          ^^^^^ shamelessly moving the goalposts again I see ...tell you what....consider that while he was campaigning , obama was negotiating a luxury resort in Iran ....

          Yeah that ...

          Tee hee
          Bwa ha ha

          You’ve been p’owned, Cons.


            Missed your take on those new missile sites , Bore-us....

            ^^^^ policy over personality please ....didn’t we hear a promise of action if they did this ?

            Rock throwing immigrants more trumps speed to bully than little rocket man , who now p’owns Trump



              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              Of course they can talk on the phone at any time. But those calls are recorded and transcribed.

              Not everything that happens person-to-person gets captured.
              Or when the two met in Helsinki with no other officials, just translators (and Putin's English is better than he lets on).


                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                Or when the two met in Helsinki with no other officials, just translators (and Putin's English is better than he lets on).
                Putin speaks perfect English. He sometimes corrects his translators.


                  AUSTIN, Texas — A day after President Trump’s former personal attorney Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to lying to Congress, the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee warned that anyone else who lies to lawmakers will face a similar fate, and he said that the committee has worked with special prosecutor Robert Mueller and has made multiple referrals for criminal prosecutions.

                  multiple referrals

                  Fortunately, the Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee doesn't have a Trump lickspittle like Nunes at its helm.

                  Hmmm, let's see... who has testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee?
                  Oh yeah, Donnie Jr.

                  Good Times!


                    Kushner has also testified before that committee.


                      Condolences to the Bush family. I didn't always agree with him, but he served the country honorably. He came from a generation of politicians that didn't always put party before country, were willing to reach across the aisle. We need more like him now but sadly may never see it again.


                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        Kushner has also testified before that committee.
                        And both DJT jr and Kushner were in the Trump Tower meeting. They're in deep doo doo


                          Probably another funeral that Trump will be unwelcome at.


                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            Probably another funeral that Trump will be unwelcome at.
                            He's been included as a guest but there's absolutely no way they'd let him speak. But I wonder if he would even go knowing that no one wants him there.


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              AUSTIN, Texas — A day after President Trump’s former personal attorney Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to lying to Congress, the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee warned that anyone else who lies to lawmakers will face a similar fate, and he said that the committee has worked with special prosecutor Robert Mueller and has made multiple referrals for criminal prosecutions.

                              multiple referrals

                              Fortunately, the Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee doesn't have a Trump lickspittle like Nunes at its helm.

                              Hmmm, let's see... who has testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee?
                              Oh yeah, Donnie Jr.

                              Good Times!
                              Yep, as reported by NPR , Falsely reporting what he said, did not say.
                              No apology.
                              Dems who quickly tweeted on the false narrative were just following the script.
                              NPR, using public funds, now joins the ranks of CNN in the FAKE NEWS Dept.


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                Yep, as reported by NPR , Falsely reporting what he said, did not say.
                                No apology.
                                Dems who quickly tweeted on the false narrative were just following the script.
                                NPR, using public funds, now joins the ranks of CNN in the FAKE NEWS Dept.
                                So why does DJT Jr think he'll be indicted soon? Oh yeah, for lying to Congress and the FBI. Heres one from a right-source you may like better

                                President Trump's eldest son has told at least one person close to him that Mueller could charge him with making false statements to Congress and the FBI regarding whether the infamous June 2016 Trump Tower meeting with a Kremlin-linked lawyer was arranged on the pretense of obtaining political opposition research on Hillary Clinton ahead of the election



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