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      Looks like Melania's hideous Christmas trees.


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        GM announces it's laying off 15% of its work force and shuttering 5 plants. Ford had already announced cutbacks as well. The economy is going to tank soon folks. Then we'll see if hard working tRumpers think he's doing right by them
        Maybe it is the cars they sell

        End of September

        YTD sales increases

        Toyota 6.1 %
        Jeep 19 %
        Subaru 5.1 %
        VW 5 .4%
        Mazda 6.3 %
        BMW 2.2 %
        Audi 3.3 %
        Mitsubishi 17.9 %
        Volvo 23 %
        Land Rover 20 %
        Alfa Romeo 147 %


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          Maybe it is the cars they sell

          End of September

          YTD sales increases

          Toyota 6.1 %
          Jeep 19 %
          Subaru 5.1 %
          VW 5 .4%
          Mazda 6.3 %
          BMW 2.2 %
          Audi 3.3 %
          Mitsubishi 17.9 %
          Volvo 23 %
          Land Rover 20 %
          Alfa Romeo 147 %
          A one quarter increase in sales doesn't mean much of anything and many of those have very small market share. GM and Ford are massive producers both here and abroad, #1 and #2. If they sense a slowing in the air it's not a good thing

          Besides, GM and Ford make popular truck and SUV models that consumers want - they sell better than passenger cars and are now almost 2/3s or all pasenger vehicle sales.


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            A one quarter increase in sales doesn't mean much of anything and many of those have very small market share. GM and Ford are massive producers both here and abroad, #1 and #2. If they sense a slowing in the air it's not a good thing

            Besides, GM and Ford make popular truck and SUV models that consumers want - they sell better than passenger cars and are now almost 2/3s or all pasenger vehicle sales.
            Different poster but ^^^^ talks sense. GM lay-off not good news and will impact the overall economic picture.

            Now that the buck stops at WH door those who quickly claimed credit when things go well and already harder at work deflecting than coming to terms with present reality.

            Stock market trending in wrong direction too. Interest rates and inflation too from “little guy” perspective

            #MAGA MAGA

            Near full employment with tons of low wage opportunities.


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              Pfffffftttt... He's old and out of touch; nothing but a hack now.

              I believe that's the talking point from the #liberalhypocrisy, right?
              Showing that even a stopped clock is correct twice a day.


              #winning enough yet ?

              House at +40 btw the people’s house took a big course correction even with the gerrymandered advantage ....


              Good luck cons! You know what comes next cycle’ve been on both sides of this trend now so you know ....



                Pelosi, or whoever the Speaker will be, should announce the following on Day One of the new session...

                "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Trump to be a one-term president."




                    Manafort is hiding a big secret if he’s willing to spend rest of
                    Life in jail for it


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      Manafort is hiding a big secret if he’s willing to spend rest of
                      Life in jail for it
                      I believe the plea deal allowed Manafort’s wife to keep a house and a little bit of money. No longer. He’s really phucked up.


                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        I believe the plea deal allowed Manafort’s wife to keep a house and a little bit of money. No longer. He’s really phucked up.
                        Maybe he's more concerned about her safety or his own. The types he was dealing with in Ukraine and Russia are ruthless.


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          I believe the plea deal allowed Manafort’s wife to keep a house and a little bit of money. No longer. He’s really phucked up.
                          US gonna help themselves to his $46 million now.

                          Maybe the mrs can write a book ...the Russians wouldn’t like that would they?


                            38 / 60 in yesterday’s gallup weekly

                            That’s -22

                            That matches his all time high disapproval while in office.

                            MAGA MAGA MAGA


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              A one quarter increase in sales doesn't mean much of anything and many of those have very small market share. GM and Ford are massive producers both here and abroad, #1 and #2. If they sense a slowing in the air it's not a good thing

                              Besides, GM and Ford make popular truck and SUV models that consumers want - they sell better than passenger cars and are now almost 2/3s or all pasenger vehicle sales.
                              Are you paying attention?
                              Do you know what YTD means ?

                              Small market share ? Toyota ?

                              Ford and GM are slowing because they made poor management decisions and the quality of many of their products have declined. Remember how much it cots taxpayers to bail them out not too long ago ? Thanks Obama, you used taxpayer money to keep GM alive, and now the reality is obvious.


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                Are you paying attention?
                                Do you know what YTD means ?

                                Small market share ? Toyota ?

                                Ford and GM are slowing because they made poor management decisions and the quality of many of their products have declined. Remember how much it cots taxpayers to bail them out not too long ago ? Thanks Obama, you used taxpayer money to keep GM alive, and now the reality is obvious.
                                If Obama hadn't bailed out the auto industry we would have gone straight to a depression rather than the very deep recession that the Bush administration created.


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