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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    In typical Democrat fashion, Beto out spent Cruz almost 2 to 1 and still lost.
    So easy to spent other people's money. That should be the motto of the Democrat Party.


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      Did it matter before the election? How has that changed? The only change I see is Dems attempting to reach into my pocket once again. Fortunately the Senate and a Trump veto pen will keep that from happening.
      Of course it did . Paul Ryan and the cons held the purse strings then ....

      I’m just informing you Cons that your wet dream is GONE for as long as the ye can see....

      Maybe Nancy will give dumpf a few miles of chain link and concertina wire in exchange for Obamacare support ....

      We’ll see


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        I’m content now cons so prattle on ....

        We have a lever of power to work again and I’m happy to look forward to 2020 now ...

        Good luck ....

        And never forget to say “aaahhh” it will go easier for ya that way but if you don’t we can jam it down your throats like that.

        How do you think trump admin officials will like hours of public interrogations ?

        Gonna be lit ....
        Democrats will have to decide whether to weaponize the House via investigations and subpoenas or to work with the president. The Dems Trump-hating base will strongly favor the former., but on the other hand, the Trump-hating base failed to produce the promised Blue Wave.


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          I never said that. That's your interpretation. All I said was "Lots can happen between now and then that can affect public opinion." In other words affect the direction Dems choose to take.
          Case in point.

          "A majority of voters in the House elections view the Russia investigation as "politically motivated," according to CNN exit polls, while a plurality disapprove of special counsel Robert Mueller's handling of it.

          Specifically, 54 percent of voters said the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and possible collusion with President Trump's campaign was "politically motivated" compared with just 41 percent who said it was "mostly justified."

          Meanwhile, 46 percent said they disapproved of Mueller's handling of the investigation, compared with 42 percent who approved."

          These numbers were based on a survey of the electorate that just delivered control of the House to Democrats.


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            270 state legislature seats were flipped
            Dems took house
            Gained governorships three more states now d trifectas

            Meanwhile the candidates most associated with trumps immigration policies lose barletta kobaxh right down to the most ice friendly sheriff in NC ...gone

            Speaking of NC their supermajorities dried up ....their ballot initiatives died ..

            Not to worry. Once the Dems F up these states, they'll be back to Republican leadership. Or end up like Connecticut.



              SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has taken credit for the stock market’s gains during his nearly two years in the White House, and those claims are reasonable given the impact of tax cuts and pro-business policies on investor sentiment.

              The S&P 500 has risen 28 percent since Trump’s election in November 2016 to the eve of congressional midterm elections on Tuesday. This surpasses the market’s performance over the same time frame under any other president in the past 64 years. Under President Dwight Eisenhower, the S&P 500 rose 29 percent from his election in November 1952 through November 1954.

              How the market shakes out in the final two years of Trump’s presidency will probably be influenced by Tuesday’s elections. Analysts expect pressure on stocks if Democrats gain control of the House of Representatives.


                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                Democrats will have to decide whether to weaponize the House via investigations and subpoenas or to work with the president. The Dems Trump-hating base will strongly favor the former., but on the other hand, the Trump-hating base failed to produce the promised Blue Wave.
                Your drunk uncle trump is holding a presser weaponizing hate against all but his base so why don’t you f*#$ off


                  Serious question:

                  Is Trump's skin getting more orange, or are his eye sockets getting lighter?


                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    Serious question:

                    Is Trump's skin getting more orange, or are his eye sockets getting lighter?
                    I noticed he didn’t look well.

                    The musky smell of “Eau de Trapped Rat “ was so thick in the room it cutnaxross the airwaves . He KNOWS this is trouble but doubled down and is trying to bully bully bully


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      I noticed he didn’t look well.

                      The musky smell of “Eau de Trapped Rat “ was so thick in the room it cutnaxross the airwaves . He KNOWS this is trouble but doubled down and is trying to bully bully bully
                      I don't blame him. When will Acosta realize he's not the only one who wants to ask a question?


                        I think the Dems better do everything they possibly can to keep Ruth upright and taking fluids. Going "Weekend at Bernie's" with her isn't out of the question.


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          I think the Dems better do everything they possibly can to keep Ruth upright and taking fluids. Going "Weekend at Bernie's" with her isn't out of the question.
                          Nah of the guys (Thomas , scalito , Roberts ) is just as likely to infarct. Rehnquist checked out prematurely as I recall and Roberts has some kind of chronic issue reportedly and Clarence as an elderly sedentary African American man should watch his blood pressure and kidney function at his age .

                          Average life expectancy for African American males nationwide is 72 and Clarence has yet to reach “average” while Ginsburg overachieved ....

                          I’m good with Ruth for two. Let’s roll the dice cons!



                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            Nah of the guys (Thomas , scalito , Roberts ) is just as likely to infarct. Rehnquist checked out prematurely as I recall and Roberts has some kind of chronic issue reportedly and Clarence as an elderly sedentary African American man should watch his blood pressure and kidney function at his age .

                            Average life expectancy for African American males nationwide is 72 and Clarence has yet to reach “average” while Ginsburg overachieved ....

                            I’m good with Ruth for two. Let’s roll the dice cons!

                            Average white female 81 years + . Ruth will be 89 in two more.

                            Roll the dice cons !!!! Don’t threaten !!!

                            If she holds on and Dems take wh, how long will Thomas last ? 8 years ? Until he’s +6 over his expectancy ? Isn’t that where Ruth is ?

                            Roll ‘em.


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              Average white female 81 years + . Ruth will be 89 in two more.

                              Roll the dice cons !!!! Don’t threaten !!!

                              If she holds on and Dems take wh, how long will Thomas last ? 8 years ? Until he’s +6 over his expectancy ? Isn’t that where Ruth is ?

                              Roll ‘em.
                              ^^^ Such word salady word salad.

                              *** are you trying to say?


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                Average white female 81 years + . Ruth will be 89 in two more.

                                Roll the dice cons !!!! Don’t threaten !!!

                                If she holds on and Dems take wh, how long will Thomas last ? 8 years ? Until he’s +6 over his expectancy ? Isn’t that where Ruth is ?

                                Roll ‘em.
                                Not knowing how severe Roberts epilepsy is, I can’t conjecture on how compromised his life expectancy is .

                                Amazing how uncertain life is


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