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Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks an

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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    Well, we know there's a 4 out of 5 chance you are a racist terrorist. So, I discount your opinion.
    Repugnants have cornered the market on domestic terrorists and racists


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      Repugnants have cornered the market on domestic terrorists and racists
      Typical liberal response. Deflect, deflect, deflect.


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        Dooshy comment.

        Never said otherwise.

        Would you like a condemnation of it? You got it.

        Your turn.

        Oh, I forgot. It's OK to make fun of anyone as long you say "I'm kidding" and you are from the left.

        Con is really agitated about the impending loss of the House. Just another 48 hours. Suck it, Con.

        And no, I'm not kidding. lol


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          Con is really agitated about the impending loss of the House. Just another 48 hours. Suck it, Con.

          And no, I'm not kidding. lol
          You use a lot of homosexual innuendo. Just come out already. It’s okay.


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            You use a lot of homosexual innuendo. Just come out already. It’s okay.


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              Dooshy comment.

              Never said otherwise.

              Would you like a condemnation of it? You got it.

              Your turn.

              Oh, I forgot. It's OK to make fun of anyone as long you say "I'm kidding" and you are from the left.

              Con waits 3+ years before finally condemning Trump’s cowardly comment about McCain.
              And then he wants an instant condemnation of something a comedian said, otherwise it’s hypocrisy. Lol!


                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                Con waits 3+ years before finally condemning Trump’s cowardly comment about McCain.
                And then he wants an instant condemnation of something a comedian said, otherwise it’s hypocrisy. Lol!

                For curiosity sake, when did I ever say we agreed with a comment.

                Do you take a running list of everything everyone should not agree with and keep score who condemns and who doesn't?

                I don't recall you ever condemning anything from the Left.

                Don't be so divisive you racist terrorist you.


                  1 more day until you lose the House Cons. Get ready to bend over and say Ahhhhhhh


                    Because of Trump’s fearmongering a bunch of gun nuts are either already at the border or on their way to the border.

                    Good chance this will end up being a confrontation between the U.S. military and the gun nuts. Hope the military does everyone a favor takes them out.


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      Because of Trump’s fearmongering a bunch of gun nuts are either already at the border or on their way to the border.

                      Good chance this will end up being a confrontation between the U.S. military and the gun nuts. Hope the military does everyone a favor takes them out.
                      Good. so, we have citizens looking to protect our borders.

                      We have some citizens wanting to open our borders.

                      We have non-citizens looking for Constitutional protection from a country they are not even in.

                      I'm comfortable with the armed citizens pitching in.


                        Obama cast President Donald Trump's administration and Republicans who control both the Senate and House of Representatives as corrupt.
                        "All right, so now they've had two years of total control in Washington," Obama said at a rally in Gary, Indiana, while campaigning for Democratic Sen. Joe Donnelly. "What have they done with that power?"
                        "Nah, nah, nah, it's not true. They haven't done nothing. They've done something," Obama said in response to shouted answers from the crowd. "They promised they were going to take on corruption in Washington. Instead, they've racked up enough indictments to field a football team.”
                        "Nobody in my administration got indicted," Obama said.
                        "Which, by the way, is not that high a bar."
                        They got the WH, they got the Senate , they got the house ....and all they have to show for it in 2 yrs.


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          They got the WH, they got the Senate , they got the house ....and all they have to show for it in 2 yrs.
                          Unemployment at record lows.

                          In the process of brokering peace between SK and NK

                          Shoved it up Iran's tailpipe

                          Cancelled all bad trade deals and new implemented

                          Stock soaring

                          Tax relief

                          Repeal of Obamacare

                          Wages rising


                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            1 more day until you lose the House Cons. Get ready to bend over and say Ahhhhhhh
                            Vegas Oddsmaker Predicts GOP Upset

                            Nate Silver says Democrats have a 80%+ chance of winning the House. Cook Report says Democrats will win the House by 40 seats. All the experts say it’s over- Democrats will win. I'll go out on a limb and disagree again.

                            I see Florida Democrat Governor candidate Andrew Gillum holding a rally with Bernie Sanders and the whole place is empty.

                            Barack Obama could not fill a high school gym in Milwaukee.

                            I witnessed firsthand Joe Biden and Obama at separate events here in Las Vegas playing to small crowds.

                            Meanwhile I was opening speaker for President Trump’s event in Las Vegas last month- with 10,000 waiting in line for hours in a place where no one cares much about politics. This is a phenomenon.

                            Does that sound like the GOP is losing 40 seats?


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              They got the WH, they got the Senate , they got the house ....and all they have to show for it in 2 yrs.
                              "In an era of congressional dysfunction, it’s a perennial frustration for lawmakers on Capitol Hill that much of the stuff they do get done is often just ignored. That’s par for the course in a city where politics is covered as a blood sport and policy as a wonky sideline.

                              ... the 115th Congress still managed to quietly pass into law 74 bills and 23 joint resolutions (in 2017), which carry the weight of law. Those 97 laws make meaningful policy changes—from overhauling education benefits for veterans to expanding a program to detect hearing loss in young children—that touch on every corner of the country."


                              The full list including 2018 -

                              You can be sure absolutely nothing will be done if Dems win the House. They'll be too busy issuing subpoenas according to TMan.


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                Unemployment at record lows.

                                In the process of brokering peace between SK and NK

                                Shoved it up Iran's tailpipe

                                Cancelled all bad trade deals and new implemented

                                Stock soaring

                                Tax relief

                                Repeal of Obamacare

                                Wages rising
                                The Trump economy is BOOMING.

                                The latest results are out- 250,000 more jobs last month, far above what was expected. The lowest unemployment in half a century. The number of Americans employed is the highest EVER. Almost 500,000 new manufacturing jobs under Trump. The kind Obama claimed would never happen again. 1000 new manufacturing jobs a day last month- the best results since the 1990's. And most importantly, wages grew by a remarkable 3.1%- the most in a decade. Who in their right mind would vote against THAT?


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