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    I'm still taking bets on whether Ford will actually testify.


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      I'm still taking bets on whether Ford will actually testify.












                    Supreme Court Nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh responded to the latest allegations of sexual misconduct on Monday by denouncing them as smears.

                    “These are smears, pure and simple. And they debase our public discourse,” he wrote in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee. “But they are also a threat to any man or woman who wishes to serve our country. Such grotesque and obvious character assassination — if allowed to succeed — will dissuade competent and good people of all political persuasions from service.”

                    Kavanuagh’s letter expressed frustration with his delayed confirmation vote despite repeating his willingness to testify about the accusations from Christine Ford and a second “uncorroborated” report in the New Yorker.

                    He also remained defiant against the recent attacks against his character and his family.

                    “I will not be intimidated into withdrawing from this process,” he wrote. “The coordinated effort to destroy my good name will not drive me out. The vile threats of violence against my family will not drive me out. The last-minute character assassination will not succeed.”

                    President Donald Trump stood by Kavanaugh on Monday, telling reporters in New York City that he backed his nominee to the Supreme Court “all the way.”

                    A true American Hero! Unlike creepy porn lawyer and loose college chicks and all the other scum bags leftists look up to.


                      The rapist is going to let Trump withdraw him so that he doesn’t have to withdraw himself.


                        Deny deny deny


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          Cons had absolutely no issue with denying Obama his choice, but scream like stuck pigs when their rapist nominee isn’t immediately confirmed.
                          Elections have consequences.



                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            Yes exactly correct . The man who wouldn’t answer questions about his drinking and sexual proclivities internally (“inappropriate”) couldn’t never survive the discovery phase of these imagined lawsuits the cons thrill to

                            They are amazing . But they are cons ...🤔
                            Why don't you tell us about your sexual proclivities are?

                            Oh ya, I forgot, you like little girls.


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              Nike shares have surged 36 percent on the year, making the company the top performer on the Dow's index of 30 blue-chip stocks. The run-up includes a nearly 5 percent increase since Nike's Labor Day announcement that Kaepernick would be featured in its campaign, adding nearly $6 billion to the company's market value.

                              The stock continues to hover near an all-time high, which it reached in mid-September only weeks after some Nike customers publicly burned their shoes to express their displeasure at the new ad.
                              liberals = hypocrites

                              "Behind the Nike swoosh is the struggle of a million workers who stitch Nike shoes and gear. They are part of the 70 million-strong global garment industry workforce, fighting for better pay and conditions even as their jobs are automated. When we buy Nike’s seemingly rebellious liberalism, we buy into reformist politics that excludes their dream, which is to earn a living wage.

                              Indonesia. Vietnam. Honduras. I thumbed through labels at Macy’s. Every shoe had a Nike swoosh. Every shirt had a number like Michael Jordan’s 23 or a famous American face on the front. Yet when I looked inside, the labels all pointed back to Global South nations.

                              Nike sells rebellion to Global North consumers through the faces of well-paid celebrities on its apparel while its goods are made primarily by people in the Global South who barely eke out a living. When they fight for better wages or working conditions, their heroism does not make them eligible to become rebels, mythologized in Nike’s ads.

                              Nike is a criminal enterprise. Capitalism is a system of theft and Nike is a near-perfect model of it. Phil Knight, the founder and CEO has a net worth of nearly $35 billion. Jordan earned $100 million from Nike and other deals. Lebron James signed a lifetime deal with Nike worth over a billion. Now Kaepernick is next in line for more ads, a sneaker line and jerseys — all of which will add up to a pretty penny.

                              Indonesia. Vietnam. Honduras. I thumbed through labels at Macy’s. Every shoe had a Nike swoosh. Every shirt had a number like Michael Jordan’s 23 or a famous American face on the front. Yet when I looked inside, the labels all pointed back to Global South nations.

                              Nike sells rebellion to Global North consumers through the faces of well-paid celebrities on its apparel while its goods are made primarily by people in the Global South who barely eke out a living. When they fight for better wages or working conditions, their heroism does not make them eligible to become rebels, mythologized in Nike’s ads.

                              Nike is a criminal enterprise. Capitalism is a system of theft and Nike is a near-perfect model of it. Phil Knight, the founder and CEO has a net worth of nearly $35 billion. Jordan earned $100 million from Nike and other deals. Lebron James signed a lifetime deal with Nike worth over a billion. Now Kaepernick is next in line for more ads, a sneaker line and jerseys — all of which will add up to a pretty penny.

                              Where does this vast sum of money come from? Nike is a corporate vacuum sucking up the surplus value from workers. It has a million laborers, mostly women, in 42 nations, including Indonesia, Vietnam and Bangladesh. Each country gets paid its own rate. Workers line up in rows near conveyor belts or sewing machines for long hours. In Indonesia, the assemblers get paid $3.50 per day. In Vietnam, they are paid around $42 a week or $171 per month.

                              Nike already has enough money to raise the pay of workers to more than a living wage. Instead, it chose to move out of nations with rising wage demands like China to go to Vietnam, where labor is cheaper."



                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                Also from MN a Republican state legislator steps down after his daughter accuses him of molestation. Meanwhile one of Grassley's aides who was helping Grassley lead the charge with Kavanaguh has stepped down after accusations of sexual harassment. The GOP best not throw stones in glass houses.


                                liberals - hypocrites

                                Assemblywoman at forefront of #MeToo movement accused of sexual misconduct

                                "Daniel Fierro of Cerritos told POLITICO that in 2014, as a 25-year-old staffer to Assemblyman Ian Calderon, he was groped by Garcia, a powerful Democratic lawmaker who chairs the Legislative Women’s Caucus and the Natural Resources Committee.

                                He said she cornered him alone after the annual Assembly softball game in Sacramento as he attempted to clean up the dugout. Fierro, who said Garcia appeared inebriated, said she began stroking his back, then squeezed his buttocks and attempted to touch his crotch before he extricated himself and quickly left.

                                Fierro said he never reported the incident, which occurred years before the current #MeToo movement and new whistleblower legislation to protect legislative staffers. But after he mentioned the issue last January to Calderon, his former boss, the matter was then referred to the Assembly Rules Committee, which launched an investigation.

                                Fierro is not the only one claiming improper advances by Garcia. A prominent Sacramento lobbyist says she also accosted him in March 2017, when she cornered him, made a graphic sexual proposal, and tried to grab his crotch at a political fundraiser. He spoke to POLITICO on the condition of anonymity out of fear of reprisals."


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