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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    ^^^^^^ hahahahahahahahaha

    Few questions:

    1) those emails. Were they the product of theft....cybercrime?
    You do understand the following, right? Apparently not.

    In London, Papadopoulos met an unidentified Russian academic (referred to as “the Professor”), who claimed to have significant ties to Putin-regime officials and who took an interest in Papadopoulos only because he boasted of having Trump-campaign connections. There appears to be no small amount of puffery on all sides: Papadopoulos suggesting to the Russians that he could make a Trump meeting with Putin happen, and suggesting to the campaign that he could make a Putin meeting with Trump happen; the Professor putting Papadopoulos in touch with a woman who Papadopoulos was led to believe was Putin’s niece (she apparently is not); and lots and lots of talk about potential high- and low-level meetings between Trump-campaign and Putin-regime officials that never actually came to pass.

    In the most important meeting, in London on April 26, 2016, the Professor told Papadopoulos that he (the Prof) had just learned that top Russian-government officials had obtained “dirt” on then-putative Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. The dirt is said to include “thousands of emails” — “emails of Clinton.” The suggestion, of course, was that the Russians were keen to give this information to the Trump campaign.

    This may raise the hopes of the “collusion with Russia” enthusiasts. But there are two problems here. First, Papadopoulos was given enough misinformation that we can’t be confident (at least from what Mueller has revealed here) that the Professor was telling Papadopoulos the truth. Remember, by April 2016, it had been known for over a year that Hillary Clinton had used a private email system for public business and had tried to delete and destroy tens of thousands of emails. The Russians could well have been making up a story around that public reporting in order further to cultivate the relationship with Papadopoulos (whom they appear to have seen as potentially useful). Note that the Professor suggested the Russians had Clinton’s own emails. But the emails we know were hacked were not Clinton’s — they were the DNC’s and John Podesta’s (Hillary is on almost none of them). So, Papadopoulos’s Russian interlocutors could well have been weaving a tale based on what had been reported, rather than on what was actually hacked and ultimately released by WikiLeaks.

    .... this brings us back to the meaning of “collusion.” I’ve long argued that this term has been used by Trump’s accusers because they don’t have proof of criminal collusion. The term “collusion” can have a dark connotation, but it really only means some kind of concerted activity — not necessarily illegal. Prosecutors don’t care about collusion; they care about conspiracy — an agreement by two or more people to commit a violation of a criminal statute.... It is a disgraceful thing for an American political candidate to seek damaging information about his or her opponent from a despicable, anti-American regime. But it is not illegal. A criminal investigation is about proving crimes, not revealing dirty politics.


      Today is spam the forum with National Review Day.


        Fusion GPS was an unregistered agent of Russia. It worked on behalf of Russian interests to fight Magnitsky Act sanctions. The dossier’s sources were, according to the dossier itself, Russians at high levels of the government. And the foreign spy contracted to run the dossier operation allegedly paid middlemen in Russia to secure this information. So when will their indictments come?


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          Today is spam the forum with National Review Day.
          In other words you can't refute any of the points McCarthy makes.

          No surprise there.


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            Today is spam the forum with National Review Day.
            Lefties are allergic to reasoned, well supported, factual statements by subject matter experts. Much easier to roll out a Hollywood actress or Democratic activist to scream and pout. I have seen any of them actually move to Canada like they promised to. Hmmmm. Maybe it was emotional hysteria? Like everything else?

            Are you going to scream at the sky next week with all of your friends?


              Kaine's a BIG FAT LIAR.

              A typical Democrat.

              ALYSON CAMEROTA, CNN: But do you see these things are equivalent, the Clinton campaign looking for dirt from Russians, and Russians offering dirt to the Trump campaign?

              KAINE: If you’re asking about the dossier, that was funded by an online conservative publication in Washington, The Washington Free Beacon--

              CAMEROTA: At first, then the Hillary campaign, right?

              KAINE: Let me finish — and they hired a firm with a British secret service agent.

              The Washington Free Beacon hired GPS Fusion to do opposition research NOT the dossier. Camerota is either so stupid or in the bag for Dems she let's that one go. But the timeline from multiple LIBERAL news sources make it pretty plain who is responsible for the dossier.

              September 2015: A still unknown Republican donor who opposed Donald Trump hires Fusion GPS to research the candidate, according to the New York Times.

              April 2016: After it becomes clear that Trump will be the GOP nominee, the DNC and the Hillary Clinton campaign take over the funding of the research project, through the intermediary of Democratic power attorney Marc Elias’ law firm Perkins Coie, according to the Washington Post.

              June 2016: Steele’s company Orbis is hired by Fusion GPS for the project, per his court filings in a British lawsuit against him. He goes on to produce 16 versions of the dossier before November’s election, according to his court filings.

              “Near the start of July” 2016: Steele sends “a report he had written for that firm to a contact at the FBI,” according to an account of his research by Mother Jones’ David Corn.



                Mueller has Manafort, Gates, and Papadopolous’ balls in a vice. Mueller will soon know everything that they know. He probably already knows everything Pop knows and has had him wired-up the last few months.

                If Trump hasn’t done anything illegal then he has nothing to worry about. Isn’t that the Con refrain?


                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  Mueller has Manafort, Gates, and Papadopolous’ balls in a vice. Mueller will soon know everything that they know. He probably already knows everything Pop knows and has had him wired-up the last few months.

                  If Trump hasn’t done anything illegal then he has nothing to worry about. Isn’t that the Con refrain?


                    [i]"We've been trying for a long time to get the Department of Justice to give us access to this information, and frankly it took the speaker of the House this week to tell the department that we're not going away. You know, Chris, people don't like it when I say this, but it's actually true -- it's sometimes hard to tell the difference between the Obama Department of Justice and the current Department of Justice in terms of transparency and their willingness to share information with Congress.

                    This is a really simple request. Did you rely on the dossier? And if so, did you vet it before you relied upon it? You can answer that in 30 seconds. But it's taken three months for the Department of Justice, and only recently have they agreed to give us the information.
                    So, the battle is not just with House Democrats. Unfortunately, it's also with the Department of Justice, the access of the information we need to wrap up this investigation.

                    .......but the good news is you don't have to be to understand the absurdity of believing that you can launder all of your campaign money by just hiring a law firm. I mean, imagine if you and I were running for Congress and we just hired a law firm and said, hey, you go to all the oppo, you go buy all the television, you go buy all the bumper stickers, you go hire all the experts, and we're going to launder all of this through a law firm. I can't think of anything that defeats the purpose of transparency laws more than that.

                    So, I am interested in that, and I am also interested in sharing some memory tricks with folks at the DNC because no one can remember who paid $10 million to a law firm to do oppo research. I find that stunning. Ten million dollars and no one can remember who authorized it, who approved it, who said, this is a really good idea?"



                      I think I see a pattern here



                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        [i]"We've been trying for a long time to get the Department of Justice to give us access to this information, and frankly it took the speaker of the House this week to tell the department that we're not going away. You know, Chris, people don't like it when I say this, but it's actually true -- it's sometimes hard to tell the difference between the Obama Department of Justice and the current Department of Justice in terms of transparency and their willingness to share information with Congress.

                        This is a really simple request. Did you rely on the dossier? And if so, did you vet it before you relied upon it? You can answer that in 30 seconds. But it's taken three months for the Department of Justice, and only recently have they agreed to give us the information.
                        So, the battle is not just with House Democrats. Unfortunately, it's also with the Department of Justice, the access of the information we need to wrap up this investigation.

                        .......but the good news is you don't have to be to understand the absurdity of believing that you can launder all of your campaign money by just hiring a law firm. I mean, imagine if you and I were running for Congress and we just hired a law firm and said, hey, you go to all the oppo, you go buy all the television, you go buy all the bumper stickers, you go hire all the experts, and we're going to launder all of this through a law firm. I can't think of anything that defeats the purpose of transparency laws more than that.

                        So, I am interested in that, and I am also interested in sharing some memory tricks with folks at the DNC because no one can remember who paid $10 million to a law firm to do oppo research. I find that stunning. Ten million dollars and no one can remember who authorized it, who approved it, who said, this is a really good idea?"

                        Remind us again... who is in charge of the Department of Justice? Lol


                          More polls! Go back and google the polls on Nov 7 and into the late afternoon and early evening hours on Nov 8.

                          Look at Brexit.

                          But keep posting your polls. You seem to enjoy being wrong over and over again.


                            From the nutter who likes polls... until he doesn’t.


                              Btw, was there a 20 point spread in the two polls you mentioned?


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                Don’t care what you think about the polls, but Trump sees those polls and it’s a huuuge slap to his ego.

                                You are completely divorced from reality if you think Trump is finishing out his term. Who do you think Manafort was laundering some of that money with? And that’s one of the minor things that’s under Mueller’s microscope. Keep dreaming.
                                Another from The Nation, the oldest continuously published weekly magazine in the United States, and the most widely read weekly journal of progressive political and cultural news, opinion and analysis.

                                Just helping to "woke" you.

                                What Killed the Democratic Party?


                                The Democratic Party lost just about everything in 2016, but so far it has offered only evasive regrets and mild apologies. Instead of acknowledging gross failure and astounding errors, the party’s leaders and campaign professionals wallowed in self-pity and righteous indignation. The true villains, they insisted, were the wily Russians and the odious Donald Trump, who together intruded on the sanctity of American democracy and tampered with the election results. .... a new and quite provocative critique has emerged from a group of left-leaning activists: They blame the Democratic Party itself for its epic defeat. Their 34-page “Autopsy: The Democratic Party in Crisis” reads more like a cold-eyed indictment than a postmortem report. It’s an unemotional dissection of why the Democrats failed so miserably, and it warns that the party must change profoundly or else remain a loser..... “Autopsy” mentions Trump’s campaign largely in passing, and the Russians only once. But this analysis does suggest that Trump became president mainly because the Democratic campaign was inept, misguided, smug, and out of touch with the country.

                                The condescending approach of party wise guys may seem a trivial matter in the era of high-tech modern elections, but politics is still personal. The failure to sustain the attachments of shared experience and kindred loyalties can be fatal. ... (The Democrat Party) ignored the general distress of working people (white, black, and brown). Furthermore, the party didn’t have much to offer those folks in the form of concrete proposals to improve their lives. That’s a controversial claim, but the authors of “Autopsy” offer damning evidence to support it."


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