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Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks an

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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    Good distraction from what's really important - the Obama administration spying on Americans for political gain.

    And I'll give you this Trump shot himself in the foot by going down this path.
    You mean you aren't upset about the private email accounts of Kushner and co?


    As far as that spying garbage two words ....or rather an acronym and a word .....

    FISA warrants

    You cons always loved FISA Court. What happened ?

    Sounds like Manafort for example was legit target .

    Look up law on "incidental collection"

    Good luck! Almost Mueller time ....


      secede NOW

      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      Mnuchin, Price, and who knows who else, squandering taxpaper money on chartered flights. And then there's Trump with his virtually every weekend golfing trips.
      Not a peep out of the Cons though.
      Million $ security detail for drumpf jr trips to Uganda to profit on drumpf name.

      never mind the hypocrisy of a call girl illegal immigrant spewing nonsense.

      how much longer???


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        Sure. Keep it up! Really great to see the left doubling and tripling down on this. You guys are great. You would think you might have learned after 2016. Now you are a racist if you respect the flag. Twisted liberal logic
        You are a racist because you are a racist. There is no linkage between that and saluting the flag.


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          Bradys mom had Cancer. Facts matter.

          Tee hee has an assache! Ice it or take a midol.
          After Brady's instagram lost yesterday as well as his comments this AM the 🥜 ters are done implying support for Trump.

          Was at game myself. 'Twas a beautiful thing even though the core 30% 🥜 ters booed. Those loser fans just embarrassed themselves ....

          Oh, they still showed and will continue to buy tickets


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            You mean you aren't upset about the private email accounts of Kushner and co?

            LOCK THEM UP.

            As far as that spying garbage two words ....or rather an acronym and a word .....

            FISA warrants

            You cons always loved FISA Court. What happened ?

            Sounds like Manafort for example was legit target .

            Look up law on "incidental collection"

            Good luck! Almost Mueller time ....
            With the evidence piling up that there was substantial spying by the Obama Administration, a private server may have not been a bad idea.

            No problem with FISA Court, it was, and is about the lies and denials. And going back to the Court when there wasn't any evidence uncovered from the previous FISA action. That's called fishing, something Mueller is very familiar with.


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              After Brady's instagram lost yesterday as well as his comments this AM the �� ters are done implying support for Trump.

              Was at game myself. 'Twas a beautiful thing even though the core 30% �� ters booed. Those loser fans just embarrassed themselves ....

              Oh, they still showed and will continue to buy tickets
              What the Pro athletes that are kneeling are not paying attention to is that children are now copying their actions. A team of 8 year old football players kneeled and even turned their back last weekend.

              And the obnoxious antics of showboating , lewd posturing and the like hardly gets a mention. That's al okay. crotch grabbing, simulation of bowel movements , nice message to pass along to the children watching.

              The NFL is doomed. Not now, not tomorrow , but down the line. Youth Football will be a non tackle competition soon, as will High School eventually . College and Pro will take longer, but the game is physically dangerous to the brain, and sitting for 3 hours for very little action is starting to drain on the public. And now this.


                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                With the evidence piling up that there was substantial spying by the Obama Administration, a private server may have not been a bad idea.

                Con said private emails fine for trumpco. Embracing complete hypocrisy in service of his Lord Trump.

                No problem with FISA Court, it was, and is about the lies and denials. And going back to the Court when there wasn't any evidence uncovered from the previous FISA action. That's called fishing, something Mueller is very familiar with.

                Ok I'll play. These "denials" you are in a tither about .....tell me what LAWS were broken.

                I mean was that done under oath and penalty of perjury?

                Did you want everyone to send trump a telegram that his people, maybe himself, were targets of counterintelligence investigAtions

                Sounds like some amazing things were picked up with that FISA surveillance .

                FISA surveillance's just doesn't only work on mooslims

                Meanwhile 20% support for Graham - Cassidy and tom Brady distances himself from trump

                <gold clap> well done 🥜 ters


                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  What the Pro athletes that are kneeling are not paying attention to is that children are now copying their actions. A team of 8 year old football players kneeled and even turned their back last weekend.
                  Nope. It's great that kids know thAt they too can #RESIST

                  And the obnoxious antics of showboating , lewd posturing and the like hardly gets a mention. That's al okay. crotch grabbing, simulation of bowel movements , nice message to pass along to the children watching.
                  Nope. Great American tradition. Remember raised fists at '68 Olympic s in Mexico City

                  Cons just don't like feeling the growing #RESISTENCE

                  The NFL is doomed. Not now, not tomorrow , but down the line. Youth Football will be a non tackle competition soon, as will High School eventually . College and Pro will take longer, but the game is physically dangerous to the brain, and sitting for 3 hours for very little action is starting to drain on the public. And now this.
                  Thanks for that concern trolling. NFL hanging on your every word and pronouncement I'm sure .

                  See the NFL just wounded the 🥜 ters so <sniff> they will take solace in proclaiming doom and gloom for NFL.

                  It's always been the 🥜 ter way to assuage the butthurt of being a 🥜 ter




                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      I will say one thing.

                      He has been extremely effective dividing America wherever he casts his gaze. Now pro sports (remember the warriors ? Not just football)

                      Putin got his money's worth for sure


                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        What the Pro athletes that are kneeling are not paying attention to is that children are now copying their actions. A team of 8 year old football players kneeled and even turned their back last weekend.

                        So, the children are learning about freedom of speech and that blind obedience to government requirement is not the American way. Sounds like some good is happening here.


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post

                          Con said private emails fine for trumpco. Embracing complete hypocrisy in service of his Lord Trump.

                          Ok I'll play. These "denials" you are in a tither about .....tell me what LAWS were broken.

                          I mean was that done under oath and penalty of perjury?

                          Did you want everyone to send trump a telegram that his people, maybe himself, were targets of counterintelligence investigAtions

                          Sounds like some amazing things were picked up with that FISA surveillance .

                          FISA surveillance's just doesn't only work on mooslims

                          Meanwhile 20% support for Graham - Cassidy and tom Brady distances himself from trump

                          <gold clap> well done �� ters
                          No hypocrisy. HRC was using a private server located in a bathroom, and 30,000 E Mails went missing. In this case, a private E Mail was utilized BEFORE the election, and BEFORE he joined as a Consultant. some information may have been transferred , but there aren't any missing E Mails , he wasn't hacked, and there isn't any evidence Classified material being sent or at the risk of exposure.

                          You do not have to be under oath to commit a crime. The release of information regarding the existence of a FISA warrant on an individual is a crime. The " unmasking" of American citizens , who may be innocent, needs to be explained, and the unmasking may be illegal.


                            Dear Bore-us,

                            THIS part of the interview with imagined (in fertile minds of 🥜 ters) trump supporter Tom Brady

                            Brady said he heard the boo's during and after the anthem from some in the crowd and said people can do what they want to do.

                            “Yeah, I did," he said. [b]"No, I think everyone has the right to do whatever they want to do. If you don’t agree, that is fine. You can voice your disagreement, I think that is great. It’s part of our democracy. As long as it is done in a peaceful, respectful way, that is what our country has been all about.”
                            In other words , boo if you want about players taking a knee but STFU about players not having the right to do it.

                            Are you able to discern that nuance Bore-us?


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              So, the children are learning about freedom of speech and that blind obedience to government requirement is not the American way. Sounds like some good is happening here.
                              There isn't a " government requirement" to stand for the Anthem. It is a tradition , rooted in Respect. Respect means sometimes that if you do not agree, you do not disrupt, but save your Right for expression for a more appropriate forum or venue.

                              Nothing good is happening here.


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                So, the children are learning about freedom of speech
                                They most certainly are. Why do 🥜 🥜 🥜 ters have a problem with that?

                                and that blind obedience to government requirement is not the American way. Sounds like some good is happening here.
                                You'll have to deconstruct that "salad" for a response . Don't really know what you are driving at. Hope you are still hungover rather than hitting bottle this early


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