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      Studies show that the more cartoons from leftist magazines depicting the President in an unfavorable way directly correlates to how little one has to say regarding the subject at hand.

      Today's been particularly enjoyable in that regard.



          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          Studies show that the more cartoons from leftist magazines depicting the President in an unfavorable way directly correlates to how little one has to say regarding the subject at hand.

          Today's been particularly enjoyable in that regard.
          Meanwhile, Trump has signed more bills that Obama did his first few months in Office. Executive Orders have streamlined many processes. He is trying to help Veterans. They can splash cartoons all they wish, but they know they are a beaten lot.


            62 – 35 percent voters say that President Trump does not provide the U.S. with moral leadership. Voter opinions of most Trump qualities remain low:
            61 – 36 percent that he is not honest
            61 – 37 percent that he does not have good leadership skills
            57 – 40 percent that he does not care about average Americans
            68 – 29 percent that he is not level headed
            59 – 38 percent that he is a strong person
            55 – 43 percent that he is intelligent
            63 – 34 percent that he does not share their values.


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              More race baiting. Unoriginal, tiresome, and old.

              Just like the Democratic Party.
              Not the OP.

              How about white, older-than-millenial, non-college educated men? Does your boo-boo feel better now? Because that IS the only demo that supports TRump.....

              My though. You have become VERY think skinned. I guess supporting the most loathed presidential figure in the moedern era will do that....


                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                By Maxim Lott
                Published August 24, 2017
                Fox News

                Images from the protest at Rep. Jason Lewis' house in Minnesota.

                Images from the protest at Rep. Jason Lewis' house in Minnesota. (Take Action Minnesota)

                The left has upped the stakes in its guerilla operations against Republicans, as deep-pocketed groups fund protesters to show up to the offices and even houses of congressmen to protest their lack of "town hall" meetings.

                Earlier this month, protesters targeted the home of Rep. Jason Lewis, a newly elected Republican in Minnesota's 2nd District. The protests on his doorstep grew big enough that one of his neighbors called the police.

                "Fortunately my family wasn't home at the time,” Lewis told Fox News. “I ran for Congress, but my family didn't run ... so to bring them into it I think is not in keeping with the best of American tradition."

                Protesters also have shown up at the homes of other Republican lawmakers in swing districts such as Rep. John Faso, R-N.Y., and Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif. Some 200 protesters showed up at Issa's home to blast him for not holding town hall meetings, leading his spokesman to say: “Dragging the congressman’s wife and family into this goes beyond the pale.”

                Local chapters of a left-wing group called “Indivisible” helped organize and lead those two protests.

                Isn't it always a problem when the left avails itself of "free speech" same way the right does? 300 torch bearers on doorsteps of college students? NP. Free speech. Protest on steps of GOP congressman not so much.

                Right wasn't crazy that anti-trump demonstrators availed themselves of their open carry rights either.

                Get used to it whiner if left helps itself to SOME of your tactics . Just the legal ones.


                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  My bet is that 2/3 of these morons don't even vote and couldn't articulate what they are protesting if asked.
                  Note that there are NO facts in the nutters original post that indicates protests were anything but legal free speech.

                  No arrests right?

                  Just GOP nutter neighbors not recognizing same constitutional rights for others that they claim as a sacrament for themselves

                  Every time the nutter makes a post like that I relish the weaknesss it betrays. They are the snowflakes

                  Then the post above with all its butt hurt. Condescending but betrays frustration...where are the GOP protestors ?

                  Less than 5000 at Phoenix rally .


                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    Note that there are NO facts in the nutters original post that indicates protests were anything but legal free speech.

                    No arrests right?

                    Just GOP nutter neighbors not recognizing same constitutional rights for others that they claim as a sacrament for themselves

                    Every time the nutter makes a post like that I relish the weaknesss it betrays. They are the snowflakes

                    Then the post above with all its butt hurt. Condescending but betrays frustration...where are the GOP protestors ?

                    Less than 5000 at Phoenix rally .
                    Beat. . In the election. Beat.
                    Unlike what Dear Leader Pelosi mumbled the other day. She claims the Dems have beat the Repubs time after time.
                    Beat. Losers. All you can do his keep the MSM drum beat going, look for the next " crisis" to take advantage of & keep those cartoons going.
                    Nothings sticking. Russian Hysteria ? Lawsuits ? Race Card? Not a single new vote will be gained by the display of spoiled loser brat syndrome.
                    Supreme Court, Pipe lines, Veterans , regulations falling like dominoes to take the handcuffs off. All these things are driving progressives nuts. They can't stand losing.
                    The desperate Dems.


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      Note that there are NO facts in the nutters original post that indicates protests were anything but legal free speech.

                      No arrests right?

                      Just GOP nutter neighbors not recognizing same constitutional rights for others that they claim as a sacrament for themselves

                      Every time the nutter makes a post like that I relish the weaknesss it betrays. They are the snowflakes

                      Then the post above with all its butt hurt. Condescending but betrays frustration...where are the GOP protestors ?

                      Less than 5000 at Phoenix rally .
                      Getting a permit to have a rally in a public place, vs. the front lawn of a private citizen, you equate to being equal....

                      What do you think would happen if a lunatic white supremacist if he held a rally on the front steps of a black person's house?


                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        Beat. . In the election. Beat.
                        Unlike what Dear Leader Pelosi mumbled the other day. She claims the Dems have beat the Repubs time after time.
                        Beat. Losers. All you can do his keep the MSM drum beat going, look for the next " crisis" to take advantage of & keep those cartoons going.
                        Nothings sticking. Russian Hysteria ? Lawsuits ? Race Card? Not a single new vote will be gained by the display of spoiled loser brat syndrome.
                        Supreme Court, Pipe lines, Veterans , regulations falling like dominoes to take the handcuffs off. All these things are driving progressives nuts. They can't stand losing.
                        The desperate Dems.

                        Hey little nutter ....come on up here....I want to whisper something in your ear....

                        I am DELIGHTED trump won. Now instead of four or eight years of the same old republican obstruction, we know get to piñata trump and the GOP while they conduct their civil war.

                        This is Way better than hearing you harp on HRC.


                        Civil war. Between McConnell and trump. Trump called tilling and berated him etc

                        It's starting . Trump is attacking the GOP establishment .

                        Won't be long now nutters

                        Hear what McConnell said to colleague?

                        "Does he want to be impeached SOONER rather than LATER?"

                        Tee hee Bwa ha ha

                        I'll have more popcorn

                        Enjoy your election victory while you can mr unhinged


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          Getting a permit to have a rally in a public place, vs. the front lawn of a private citizen, you equate to being equal....

                          What do you think would happen if a lunatic white supremacist if he held a rally on the front steps of a black person's house?
                          Nothing. That's clear from examining the incredible tolerance of the protests by the Westboro Baltist Church. That's because they are a far right white "religious" hate group.

                          HAve these lunatics had rallies at black persons' funerals?

                          I think I'm done here.

                          Next question?


                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            Getting a permit to have a rally in a public place, vs. the front lawn of a private citizen, you equate to being equal....

                            What do you think would happen if a lunatic white supremacist if he held a rally on the front steps of a black person's house?
                            I think a terrified black family would flee their home.


                              LOL...Civil War...I suppose the Dems would know about Civil War as much as anyone, Tee Hee...

                              "Unity requires give and take. But it seems that it's just take, take, take from the Berniecrats," said Nina Turner, the president of Our Revolution -- the political organization that emerged from Sanders' 2016 run for president -- using a term, "Berniecrats," that Sanders supporters like Turner apply to themselves.

                              Turner was appointed by Sanders to the DNC's "unity commission" in the wake of the 2016 contest. Her comments have led other members of the 21-person commission to grumble that Turner is more interested in sowing discord as a publicity and fundraising tool. But in an interview with CNN, she refused to back down.

                              "The Berniecrats are being labeled as always wrong -- 'they don't get it, they're too emotional, they don't want to win elections,'" Turner said. "This is a hurtful environment, and people are human and do have feelings. And so both sides are just duking it out."


                              Glass houses....


                                "Capacity for the event space was 4,200 people. At final count, 4,169 people attended"

                                ~ Phoenix Fire Department

                                Trump told everyone there were 15,000.

                                I dont gamble but id put $100 on him having an extremely small penis. This insane exaggeration has roots somewhere


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