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    Carlson's claims about immigrants making the Potomac river dirtier, debunked

    The Potomac River has long been considered too polluted for swimming, particularly in and around Washington, D.C., where Carlson lives. Its waters were so bad that in 1965, former President Lyndon Johnson declared the river a "national disgrace."

    But a 2018 report from the Potomac Conservancy, a nonprofit clean-water advocate in the region, found that the Potomac’s overall health has improved dramatically in the last 10 years.

    Hedrick Belin, president of the group, blasted Carlson for his "groundless accusation" in a statement to PolitiFact, calling the Fox News host’s comments "factually incorrect" and "racist."

    "For the first time in generations, we are within reach of fully enjoying a healthy, thriving Potomac River," Belin said, noting that river pollutants are in decline as fish are returning.


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson [You know a guy is a pr!ck when he has four names]

      Carlson attended La Jolla Country Day School and grew up in a home overlooking the La Jolla Beach and Tennis Club.

      After college, Carlson tried to join the Central Intelligence Agency, but his application was denied.

      Carlson is generally described as a conservative[55][56] or paleoconservative.[57][58] Writing for New York's Intelligencer, Park MacDougald called Carlson a "Middle American radical", which he described as someone who holds populist economic beliefs, hostility to corporatocracy, fervent positions on nationalism, race and immigration, and a preference for strongmen in political authority. MacDougald identified this form of radicalism as the ideological core of "Trumpism."[59]
      the irony that bow tie boy whines about white privilege and claims to understand race relations


        When someone lives of live of privilege of the magnitude of Carlson, Trinity in Hartford is not where you are supposed to end up (and where he was a below average student).


          OK, now maybe we should move on to Mr. Hannity and Ms. Ingraham (and it should only take you 3 seconds to guess which Ivy she attended).


            Carlson and his brother Buckley went to the Rhode Island private school St. George’s and, later, Tucker attended Trinity College, where, as he told the CJR in an interview, he spent his days mostly drunk.

            Carlson applied to the CIA, but his application was denied, so he turned to journalism. “You should consider journalism,” his father told him. “They’ll take anybody.”


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              Carlson and his brother Buckley went to the Rhode Island private school St. George’s and, later, Tucker attended Trinity College, where, as he told the CJR in an interview, he spent his days mostly drunk.

              Carlson applied to the CIA, but his application was denied, so he turned to journalism. “You should consider journalism,” his father told him. “They’ll take anybody.”
              Carlson and Buckley? Barf. Couldn't get more WASP than those names. That he was rejected from the CIA shouldn't surprise anyone. They test candidates for intelligence.


                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                Carlson and Buckley? Barf. Couldn't get more WASP than those names. That he was rejected from the CIA shouldn't surprise anyone. They test candidates for intelligence.
                This comment is the only actual racist comment so far. Is he a wasp?



                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  This comment is the only actual racist comment so far. Is he a wasp?

                  LOL. Nice try. You must have been feeling pretty good about this comeback. Too bad you cited Terrell Buckley, with Buckley as the last name.

                  Here is Tucker's brother's full name lol: Buckley Swanson Peck Carlson


                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    LOL. Nice try. You must have been feeling pretty good about this comeback. Too bad you cited Terrell Buckley, with Buckley as the last name.

                    Here is Tucker's brother's full name lol: Buckley Swanson Peck Carlson
                    I get the feeling you have no idea how racist you are.


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      I get the feeling you have no idea how racist you are.
                      I know how racist you are.


                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        I get the feeling you have no idea how racist you are.
                        Do you reckon it might be racist to link to a black NFL player as your retort....the exact same way posters keep linking to white folks getting killed anytime they're asked to focus for even a minute on police brutality against blacks? And to think some act like they are so alarmed that minorities are suffering way out of proportion to other populations (and as though we didn't know all along what those arguments were really all about).


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          Do you reckon it might be racist to link to a black NFL player as your retort....the exact same way posters keep linking to white folks getting killed anytime they're asked to focus for even a minute on police brutality against blacks? And to think some act like they are so alarmed that minorities are suffering way out of proportion to other populations (and as though we didn't know all along what those arguments were really all about).
                          Your feeble attempt to combat racial injustice with more racism was amusing. If you want to bring people of all backgrounds together, patronizing people based on the name they’re born with is not a good start.


                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            Your feeble attempt to combat racial injustice with more racism was amusing. If you want to bring people of all backgrounds together, patronizing people based on the name they’re born with is not a good start.
                            You mean like Fox, the alt-right, Trump, and cons did with Obama's name? LOL. Was THAT just a little racist.

                            Tucker is a pr!ck, pure and simple.


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              You mean like Fox, the alt-right, Trump, and cons did with Obama's name? LOL. Was THAT just a little racist.

                              Tucker is a pr!ck, pure and simple.
                              Exactly. I'm sure that poster can link us to his many posts condemning not only the intentionally racist exploitation of Obama's name but also Trump's eight years of obsessively and very intentionally pushing a birtherism conspiracy. I mean these con posters play fair, right?


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                You mean like Fox, the alt-right, Trump, and cons did with Obama's name? LOL. Was THAT just a little racist.

                                Tucker is a pr!ck, pure and simple.
                                Excusing your own racism by pointing other people are also racist is not a strong defense, nor a way to bring positive change.


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