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FYSA should be investigated

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    FYSA should be investigated

    Why do they have $6 million in assets?
    Why do they have $600,000 in salaries for a volunteer-based organization?
    $666,000 on ODP? Sounds like a pretty disproportionate expense for only a tiny fraction of its members.
    What are the $72,000 in expenses paid for their $0 salary board members?
    Who is getting a 401(k) on FYSA's dime?
    $691,000 in TRAVEL? Travel for who to where?
    Who are the mysterious independent contractors earning $389,000?
    Why over $100,000 spent on Southern Regionals?
    What is FYSA BUCKS ($111,000)?

    $1,692,357 in cash. That's more than most drug dealers.
    $1,769,350 in mutual funds. Is this the youth soccer association or the hedge fund association?


    I agree with you 100% Its a Mafia Plain and simple They don't care about the kids Its all about the $$$ Believe me I tried to contact them about an issue I had last year with my kids team Never got a return phone call or email I believe there is a parent who actually filed a lawsuit


      Its Florida's regional version of FIFA.

      The state's system is ginned so that the people on the inside of FYSA control the rules, in order to control the money. Its the American way.


        Wow! FYSA is a very well-heeled organization, flush with cash and $2M in investments! Who would have guessed? Original poster raises some very good questions about where the money is going (e.g., contractors?).


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          Wow! FYSA is a very well-heeled organization, flush with cash and $2M in investments! Who would have guessed? Original poster raises some very good questions about where the money is going (e.g., contractors?).
          I am in no way defending the Bubbas but imagine referee expenses would be classified as independent contractors.


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            I am in no way defending the Bubbas but imagine referee expenses would be classified as independent contractors.
            Nope! They do not pay the referees for the state cup finals. The qualifiers are off the books because they make the teams bring cash and hand it to the referees (and call it the teams paying the refs not them). All the other games are paid by teams, clubs, or leagues not the FYSA accounts.


              Oh here we go. People who have no idea what it takes to run an organization the size of FYSA seeing a half million dollars spent on anything and assuming it can't be legitimate. People who think non profits don't have payroll, can't have assets and even think that investments are a bad idea. Ugh.

              Good luck finding a LAWYER willing to invest their time into this for free. Lol.

              ODP expenses? This can't be the same critics that harp on how bad Florida's ODP is. At least I hope not.

              Maybe the OP who feels empowered by looking at a tax document can describe in detail what FYSA should be spending for each expense he is so upset about. Obviously you are well informed and experienced on running a statewide soccer organization so I would be very interested in your own line by line expense report so that we are all better informed.

              You could start with a detailed list of expenses the organization has. What is the cost to rent or buy a building for the headquarters. What are the lawyer fees for an organization this size? (How much could one or two good attorneys drive up the salary I wonder?)

              How much does it cost to provide written material? Does FYSA pay more or less to individuals compared to what they could make in the corporate world? Do you know? Would a shoestring budget FYSA draw more or less criticism due to cheaper and less talented leaders? Are you sure the leaders are bad or is it possible that they supposedly have bad leadership becaue they don't pay enough to draw the top talent away from private enterprise?

              Enlighten us all please. Dying to hear your perfect business plan that you pay so little towards.


                I'm sure they also have a PR department which for all we know you could be part of. No educated person will ever allege that a nonprofit organization doesn't have expenses but are you naive enough to believe that they are into this for the benefit and of our kids? It's a racket and they are in it for the money Don't fool yourself


                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  Oh here we go. People who have no idea what it takes to run an organization the size of FYSA seeing a half million dollars spent on anything and assuming it can't be legitimate. People who think non profits don't have payroll, can't have assets and even think that investments are a bad idea. Ugh.

                  Good luck finding a LAWYER willing to invest their time into this for free. Lol.

                  ODP expenses? This can't be the same critics that harp on how bad Florida's ODP is. At least I hope not.

                  Maybe the OP who feels empowered by looking at a tax document can describe in detail what FYSA should be spending for each expense he is so upset about. Obviously you are well informed and experienced on running a statewide soccer organization so I would be very interested in your own line by line expense report so that we are all better informed.

                  You could start with a detailed list of expenses the organization has. What is the cost to rent or buy a building for the headquarters. What are the lawyer fees for an organization this size? (How much could one or two good attorneys drive up the salary I wonder?)

                  How much does it cost to provide written material? Does FYSA pay more or less to individuals compared to what they could make in the corporate world? Do you know? Would a shoestring budget FYSA draw more or less criticism due to cheaper and less talented leaders? Are you sure the leaders are bad or is it possible that they supposedly have bad leadership becaue they don't pay enough to draw the top talent away from private enterprise?

                  Enlighten us all please. Dying to hear your perfect business plan that you pay so little towards.
                  Hello FYSA Daddy Director? District Commissioner?

                  Let's take legal fees. Most non-profits would NOT have salaried attorneys on staff but would hire a law firm when needed. That legal work would also usually be free or deeply discounted by some giant soul sucking law firm that wants to make themselves look better while giving junior lawyers more experience than just making copies for senior lawyers.

                  But you are exactly right! FYSA should be providing us doing paying members (via our registration) with a detailed list of exactly what their expenses are so we can see if they are reasonable or not instead of hiding behind lumping expenses in to vague categories to cover things like buying lavish dinners for the regionals delegation.


                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    doing paying
                    dues paying


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      People who think non profits don't have payroll.
                      Who is on payroll and what are they doing? Registration is the job of the VOLUNTEER district commissioner.
                      Most decisions are made by the VOLUNTEER board of directors.
                      Most events are run by VOLUNTEERS from the host club.
                      What is there left for a youth soccer association to be doing that needs the equivalent of 15 full time staffers making Florida's median wage?
                      Why don't you tell us OH enlightened one?


                        What about the sponsorship $$ they receive from Publix and other companies? Where does that go?


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          Hello FYSA Daddy Director? District Commissioner?

                          Let's take legal fees. Most non-profits would NOT have salaried attorneys on staff but would hire a law firm when needed. That legal work would also usually be free or deeply discounted by some giant soul sucking law firm that wants to make themselves look better while giving junior lawyers more experience than just making copies for senior lawyers.
                          The 900S form shows $0 paid for legal fees.


                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            The 900S form shows $0 paid for legal fees.
                            Are you saying the FYSA Daddy Director who said the money went to legal fees was lying to us?


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              Who is on payroll and what are they doing? Registration is the job of the VOLUNTEER district commissioner.
                              Most decisions are made by the VOLUNTEER board of directors.
                              Most events are run by VOLUNTEERS from the host club.
                              What is there left for a youth soccer association to be doing that needs the equivalent of 15 full time staffers making Florida's median wage?
                              Why don't you tell us OH enlightened one?
                              maybe send someone from your club to the AGM or read the materials they send out each year with the detail budget and actuals. While I'm sure there are some lavish dinners that shouldn't be covered that occur, your have no clue what it costs to send teams to Southern Regionals for example.

                              EVERY FYSA team that goes to regionals either as a state champion or RPL advancer receives $3k to assist with each team's approx $20k cost to go. With 25 teams having gone to Regionals last year, that's $75K right there on team stipends. That is budgeted from the State Cup entry fees. The state also picks up the entry fee costs to Regionals for each team which is approx $400 per team (that's $10k if you have 25 teams). And since the Region requires the entire delegation to dress uniformly for opening ceremonies at Regionals, it T-shirts/polos for each team also paid by the state (approx $7k). So now you've identified over $90k of that Southern Regionals cost. Add the travel costs for 4-6 representatives from the state to go with the teams since Regionals REQUIRES at least 1 rep on every game played by a team from the state, you'll rack up another $1500 per person (air, lodging, shared car rental and good), and 1/2 of the travel costs for the 15 referees each state must send, you've got it. That's all from the state cup budget. And then if a FL team advances to Nationals, there is more travel stipend given to each team from the state to help and 1 rep for each team that goes to Nationals (as required).


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