Originally posted by Unregistered
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What is a “Team Obama Health Official?”
Please tell us what “team” Obama had organized in 2020 and what their role was in the pandemic.
While at it, can you identify this team member so we can acquaint ourselves with what their medical and / or scientific qualifications they have?
For the record, as I told EVERYONE I knew in those days, yes the pore size of surgical masks DO allow virus to pass at higher rates than N95, which are rated to block 95% or better of the particles, but at a time when we could not get N95 masks, I encouraged people to double mask.
Here’s why.
Despite the pore sizes, viruses like many things are “sticky” and it turned out around 50% of better viral particles get “stuck” in the fibers.
Double masking raised this to somewhere approaching 90%.
Since productive infection requires exposure to a minimum threshold of
Viral titers ….well even a caveman gets it.
As soon as KN95 masks became available that were tested by OSHA, I advised everyone I knew to immediately switch to the higher quality masks …..
So I don’t see what you are prattling on about. Anyone with minimal technical competency gets it easily.
Thanks for playing